Chapter 6 - Reliving the Nightmare

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Out of breath and dreadfully worn out, I stop to catch my breath in the hallway.

What the hell did I just witness?! That... That 'thing,' did not look the least bit human!!

Mustering up the courage to turn around, a daunting realization comes to mind.

What if that bloody thing is following me?!

Icy chills seep into my bones as my fear grows immensely. While fear and panic make it almost impossible to think rationally in times such as what I'm experiencing now, I know I must calm myself down in any way I can, and try to imagine what my next moves should be. The least thing I want right now, is to be face-to-face with that bloody demon thing again.

Relaxing my muscles, I push all of my panic-stricken thoughts out of mind for just a moment, so that I could gather myself.

Relax, Holly!! Take two deep breaths.

Breathe in, breathe out... Breathe in, breathe out...

Once I collected and calmed myself to the best of my abilities, I finally began to think more clearly what I would do next.

What am I gonna do now? I obviously can't just stay here...

It was in that moment, my lightbulb went off, and I grew more excited at the thought.

Asher!! How could I forget about Asher?! I know what I must do!! I'll talk to my big brother! He'll know what to do!

The only problem with talking to him, is it's still very late at night. What if he's still asleep at this hour? I'd hate to be the one to awake him...

Ahh, forget it!! He can sleep later. This is a more pressing issue, and he always knows what to do!

Walking over to the door behind me, I try to muster the strength to open it as sweat and fear are pouring down on my hands.

Therein lies one simple little problem. The freaken door won't budge!!

What is wrong with this stupid door?! It won't open. What the hell?

While attempting to open the door, a sullen, overcast figure stands before me, as I see its shadow lurking just beside my shoulder.

Huh? What's that black shadow?

The shadow develops rapidly, informing me that whatever figure it belongs to, is lingering nigh.

I'm afraid to turn around... I feel like someone is behind me. I am so scared right now, I don't know what to do.

I snap myself out of my endless stream of hysterical thoughts, and grudgingly turn around to look behind me.

Nothing... The shadow disappeared. Of course, what else did I expect? Only I would turn around to see absolutely nothing.

Perhaps I'm just imagining things now? All of this crazy shit is messing with my head, or perhaps I'm seeing things due to a lack of sleep.

A yawn creeps up on me, as I feel myself growing weary.

I'm so tired. Regardless of whether or not what I've been seeing is real, I'm still gonna get my brother.

Take another deep breath, Holly. You can do this!!

Encouraging myself, remaining relaxed, I will myself to continue with one primary goal in mind, that I cannot lose focus of; get to Asher!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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