Chapter 2 - My Worst Nightmare

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I pull myself back to my senses; a feeling of dread overwhelms me. It's just now that I notice, she is standing there, arms crossed, as if she's waiting for me to say something. 

I move my lips to try to utter the question of why she's here, but I can't seem to get myself to talk. Why? Why, now? I need to know what she wants!!

If this 'thing' had eyes, I know she'd be giving me the cold angry stare right now. I must admit, this silence that lingers between the both of us, is making me feel really out of place. I mean, I already feel like I shouldn't be here, but this laconism isn't helping the situation at all.

So here I stand, shyly scratching my arm, waiting for what lies ahead of me on this dark and dreary night. Perhaps my fate will be decided for me, who knows?

Finally, she breaks the silence between the both of us. My heart sinks at what she does, standing there laughing in her sadistic, maniacal, sardonic tone.

The hairs on my body stand straight up, as I begin to feel my heart throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular. I barely hear it, because my mind is literally clouded with nothing but fear.

"Why hello there, Angel Face!!" She grinned her malicious smile, evidently proud of the terror she caused to come upon me.

I can't control my emotions at this point, I just let it all out, thoughts and all.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? And why are you chasing me?"

I stare at her, panic-stricken, wanting to flee this scene as soon as possible, but my feet are refusing me to move even the slightest little inch.

"Ohh my dearest, wouldn't you like to know? I will not tell you anything, except that I am your worst nightmare come to life."

She laughs once again, the wicked witchy laugh that haunts my worst dreams.

"Just know this, Angel Face, there is no one that will come to your rescue now. They'd have to face me anyway, and that's just simply not going to happen."

Feeling as though something had walked through me and left me shaking, I couldn't stand listening to her speak any longer. I wanted answers, and I believed I at least deserved that.

"Please, just tell me what you want. I would like to get back home to my folks."

I stood there like a statue, awaiting her response, hoping that she would finally let me escape to my freedom, but that was the least thing she was willing to allow to happen.

"I want you, I thought I made that pretty clear? Anyways, I am here to make my wishes come true, and that is to end your life, my dearest. So don't worry, I'll make it quick and painless for you."

I could feel the flight responses begin to kick into my body; therefore increasing my heart rate and flooding me with added adrenaline.

I managed to utter a loud, glass shattering scream that echoed through the midnight desert sky.

"Please, please don't hurt me. Spare me, spare my life. I'm not ready to die yet!!"

I bawled; my body convulsing as I breathed rapidly from crying. I didn't care how this made me look. I was desperate at this point, fearing for my life.

If anyone could hear me from the loudest scream I could utter, then that would be all the worth it for me, as it would give me another chance of surviving this wretched chaos.

Of course, no one seems to be coming to my rescue. Like she said, it's not like they could get past her anyway.

All of a sudden, I find myself no longer crying. A new sense of hope warms my soul, as I see a ray of purple flashing into the sky.

"Shit, what am I doing? Feeling hope in a situation like this? That purple ray of light is not someone coming to my rescue, no!! It's that woman raising her hand, causing magic to appear right at her palm!! What the hell is she doing!?"

Suddenly, my heart feels like it takes a literal jump outside of me, as it seems to skip beats.

As she raises her hand, the purple ray of magic grows smaller, vanishing into the palms of her hand, and turning instead, into a scythe.

Wait, did I see that, right!? A scythe!?!

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