Chapter 3 - When All Seems Lost

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This 'woman,' brought forth a scythe basically out of pure nothing. A sense of dread began to cloud my thoughts, as I trembled at the ghastly sight.

"This can't be the end... Fate cannot decide to end my life here and now, or can it?"

I stood there, staring at the wretched creature that stood just before me, her figure no longer exposing the black shadow it once revealed before. 

It is at this moment that I am finally able to see her face. Her true form is  no more less heinous than the malevolent shadow she appeared as when I first saw her.

Her pale, lifeless skin and bloody red demon eyes were enough to make me want to scream in angst. As if that weren't crummy enough, her hair was a silky jet black color; the pure expression of her sole identity, that she chose to wear proudly, allowing the beautiful wavy locks to flow down her shoulders. Her eyebrows were what every young girl dreams of; arched to perfection with a little slit like a scar at the end of them.

I can't deny the reality, this woman may be corrupt, but she's drop-dead gorgeous.

Coming back to my senses, I notice that I can't seem to move a muscle, no matter how hard I try. It's as if this creature has binded me in imaginary shackles to prevent me from escaping. What is it, exactly, that she wants from me?

I feel the fear arising through my body; the icy cold chill running down my spine. I'm deathly frightened, for I have no idea why I'm even here. What wrong have I done to be deserving of such a punishment?

Tears well up in my eyes once again, making it impossible for me to see. I completely lose it at this moment, standing there sobbing, anxious for what lies ahead.

I cry out in desperation, with a surge of anger and panic in my voice, "Please, please don't take my life!! I'm not ready to die yet!!"

The sky, as if it's watching us in acrimony, flashes a bolt of lightning violently through the air, striking the ground next to the woman's feet.

It doesn't seem to phase her, as she looks at me with her crimson eyes, reflecting her feelings of anguish. She is clearly furious with me, the blood pulsing through the veins of her arms, as she screams in the most blood-curdling voice I have ever heard in my life, causing the ground beneath where we stand to shake like an earthquake.


The ground then opens up a monstrous hole, ready to swallow me up. All I can do at this point, is cry.

"I love you, mom, dad, Asher, and Jojo... I'm sorry it has to be this way and I couldn't give you the proper goodbye that you deserve."

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