Chapter 1 Kirito And Kaneki Meet

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I wake up on the floor, and look up

and see a sign.

"District 20"

What is this place? It looks a lot like
Tokyo. I pull out my sword. I look on the floor and see my nerve gear lay broken. I pick up the pieces as my menu screen pops up in front of me. Why the heck does this still work? I place my nerve gear in storage and leap up to the top of a two story building. What is this place? I don't even remember how I got here?

A dark figure with white hair jumps up blocking the moon, and kicks me back. I go black, opening my eyes I start to wondering in the dungeons of the seventy-eight floor. This place seems a little off to me. I can feel pulses of energy becoming stronger as I proceed father into the dungeon. I pull out my sword ready for a monster to pop out. Then out from the corner of my eye, A strange creature appears. It has a black mask with a zipped up mouth, and short white hair. I begin to follow it, then it runs and jumps through a teleporter located in a dark dense room. I chase after the monster, but stop right before the eerie teleporter.

"Kirito? Um what are you doing? I hope you don't go through that thing? You don't even know where it can lead to?"

"Asuna get back this could be dangerous!"

With in a instant four monster like arms grab me, and I'm plunged into the teleporter. I jolt awake to a dark figure with its black mask and white hair. Its a male that's for sure. His peircing red and black veiny eyes starring at me. I stand up and pull out my black sword. My black cap swaying in the wind as I look at him. Theres a big smirk on my face. Seems like I found a strong opponent.

"Black Knight. Its seems you have fallen into our world. Seems like your a virtual player from a game taken place in Aincrad. There's one reason why I brought you hear Black Knight."

"Hmm what would that be creature? You seem to know a lot about me but I know nothing about you."

"Well Kirito. I'm a ghoul in this world, and my name is Kaneki, and what I need right now is to become stronger to protect my friends. Since your a virtual player that'll respawn and a strong one at that. I will devour you and become even stronger."

"There's one problem with your theory kaneki."
My nerve gear broke in this world. So even though I'm still in my virtual state, I will die anyways. So I won't let that happen."

"Well since your here Kirito, and that nerve gear is gone. There is no way you can get back then. So I must devour you!"

I charge at Kaneki with lightning speed. I can see in his eyes that he is unaware of my speed in my virtual stat. He jumps in the air, and avoids me. Coming to a screeching stop I spin around. Kaneki's four monster arms come out if his back. I'm prepared for whatever it is he brings to the battle. He flashes towards me as I jolt to him. Both of us running at each other with full speed. We collide together, as I deflect all six of his limbs with a quick swift of my sword. A big explosion of pure power sends purple, and black smoke filled with blue electricity everywhere. Theres nothing but darkness everywhere, and the slither of his monster arms around me. All I can do is wait now.

"Kaneki.. Show yourself!"

I feel a arm grab me by my shoulder and launch me in the air. I grip my sword as hard as I can. Come on dark repulser we can do this. As I'm falling towards Kaneki. I begin to swing my sword side ways, and slice right through two of his monster like arms. I flash though his body in a instant with my sword pointing forward. I look back quickly, but get tackled, Kaneki knocks the wind out of me. He sends us tumbling of the edge of the three story building and we start to fall.

Wind is is blowing pass men with great speed. I'm look up towards the sky and see kaneki falling right after me. Right before I hit the floor, I backflip and land on my feet leaving a dented hole in the ground. I start looking up. Kaneki grabs the side of the building with his monster like arms and grapples the wall. Kaneki climbs back up the building and dissapears. I put my dark repulser away, and begin to walk into a quiet community. I'm completely lost, not knowing where I'm at. My cuts and bruises heal quick. Looks like I still have my regeneration skill in effect.

Its real busy quiet and abandoned in this district. As I'm looking around, I notice a couple people walking. There walking fast, like there scared of something.


Awkward to the sight I shrug it of, and find a bench to sit down on. What is this place and a Ghoul? Anything close to a ghoul that I know was in SAO... Seems to be getting late out anyways. I Must go find a place to rest for the night.

I start searching the community for a inn , or a hotel. Its getting more dark out, and from the corner of my eye I start seeing shadows, and figures. These shadows become more visible in alleys, and on top of buildings. I dash of noticing a coffee spot still open. Those shadows are still chasing me so I speed up. I make it to a coffee shop with a red sign in front. Panting and tired ,I walk up the stares and open the door.

"Well hello! I've never seen you before! my names Hanami! Come in, Come in.

"Uh hi? The names kirito. Nice to meet you."

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