Chapter 4 "Kaneki" Encounter Of White Lightning

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The room is dark where I'am at. I see the portal I created flickering in the background. A vortez noise has me in a trance. What do I do now?

I get lost in a trance with the portal. The flickers start to become more frequent. Hmm, that's a bit unusual. Then the portal flashes as a dark pulse of shadows layers the dark room. Shot someone has came through the portal. I run towards the portal, and look at the hologram like computer directional pad. The last place there was activity is in the twentieth ward.

I begin to take of to the twentieth word. It was probably just a creature. If so, I'll handle the creature easily. The outer city limits of the twentieth word glow with the sight of dawn peeking over the horizon. I begin to look in the distance and I see flashes of dark electricity on top of a build. I bolt of towards the location and jump on top of the building. OK where did this creature go.

In the distance I see this strange girl swords men with a white and red outfit. Her hair is amber and she is a caring a blue sword. Man another virtual player came through the portal. I kneel down and June from build to building till I get close to her location. My hands let go of the building I'm folding on to, and I drop down silently behind her.

My four monster like claws came our from behind my back. As I do that I see the girl spin around and look at me. She jumps back quickly and pulls out her sword. Her amber hair floating and swaying to her movement. I charge at her yet she dodges and weaves around me. Hmm I guess i must move quicker.

"What are you doing! Stop monster!"

"I'm a ghoul actually girl, and the way you fight is incredible!"

"Well I guess."

"To bad I must eat you!".

I bolt to the amber hair swordsman. She jumps back and pulls out her sword. She blocks all four of my monstrous arms. I can see a happy gleam in her eyes as she fights me. Its like she enjoys the fight. I stop and look at her. Yet at my hesitation she jumps up a near by building and dashes off. I follow right after her keeping a distance. She stops and looks into my direction. Just as she turns her head. I hide in the cover of shadows.  She looks down and activates this weird hologram looking screen. As I'm looking down in wonder, I hear her say.

"Kirito? If you are who you are. I went through the teleporter. As of right now, I'm being chased by the four arm monster. I have many questions. I need you to find me."

Her conversation ends and she dashes off to a merchant store. I leap down from the building. As I begin to walk into the store the lights cut off. All I hear is the scrapping sound of her sword on the floor and wall. flashes of red hair dash through the small eyes. Then I feel a cold blamed on the back of my neck.

"What do you want with me monster!?"

"to be honest with you. All I want is to get stronger. Your not from this world, So in a technical sense you don't exist. So killing you won't be against my morals."

"Seems like you know about the virtual world i live in. Hmm, I wonder how your world classes with mine?"

"Alright enough swordsman!"

I flip around quickly to give a 3 three piece combo. She deflects them all with a swipe of her thin light wieght sword. No caution alarms me at all. Just the simple fact she is almost as strong as thr black swords mean he encountered twice earlier.
"Kirito...!" I say abruptly

"What where is Kirito you fiend!"

"Swordsman your friend kirito ended up keep our fight at a draw. Lets just say he is at a coffee shop managing to make friends with a friend of mind who is a girl."

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