Chapter 5 "Kirito" Remember Love, Recognize your feelings

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Asuna sips out of her jet black coffee cup. Her eyes squint to the strong bean like taste hitting her tongue. Kirito looks up at Asuna. He is slightly leaning on bar counter top, while his black coat drapes down to the floor. Distant mutters is heard by Kaneki and Touka echo down the stairway.

"Yes Asuna?"

Kirito leans in closing the gap between Asuna and himself. A glimpse of bluish light flashes from Kirito's pocket. Yui's appears out of nowhere, the size of a small doll like figure.

"Hello Mommy!"

Asuna jumps out of her bar stole.

"Mommy!? Why is this immortal object calling me mommy?"

Yui hoovers back to Kirito and hides into the chest flap of his black coat. A dark hazy expression fills her face as she looks down away from Asuna.

"Asuna, it's really that bad isn't it."

Asuna looks at kirito with her hand over her heart. Pain seems to fill her, but at the same time, confusion is expelled from her face.

"I'am sorry Kirito. I assume this is really that bad. I mean my heart flutters towards you, yet my mind is saying other wise. This inner conflict is like world war 2 in my body."

Asuna holds her hand to her chest. Kirito stares at her with agitation and anxiousness. A vibe takes over the surrounding space they are sitting in with in the coffee shop. "Boom" a loud explosion is heard off in the distant. "Crack, crackle", the sound of thunder following a purple and red lighting flash fills the room. Foot steps rumble down the stairs with in the coffee shop.

"We need to leave now!"

Kaneki's voice distorts the thundering sounds of lightning.

"What do you mean, it's just lightning?"

Yui replies to kaneki as she pops out of Kirito's chest flap as soon as he finished talking.

"Daddy, Kaneki is right. We must leave now. There is something wrong with the teleporter connecting our two worlds."

Thunder crackles, as lightening flashes vigorously in the distance. The a faint smell of acid rain ruffles the noises of Kirito, Asuna, Kaneki, and Touka. Touka walks to to the door and flings it open.

"Come on you two. We must see what's going on at the the teleporter."

"Alright where coming."

Kirito leaps off his bar stole. Only to be cut off by Kaneki.

"Nothing had change black swordsman. I will devour  you and your precious white lightning."

Kirito grabs kaneki's shoulder and pushes him aside. He reaches out his hand to Asuna with a worried expression. His face wrinkles slightly, but he stands stern and stares Asuna in her Amber eyes.

"Kaneki, from what I recall. Weren't you the one that went into the cave, in some random district, and activate the teleporter."

Kaneki stares at Kirito with a stern expression.

With out hesitation Asuna grabs Kirito's hand in a involuntary movement. Her face blushes as she looks down at both of their hands. Confusion takes control of her face, but the calm sense of security radiates from her body.

"It feels right."

Kirito's looks at Asuna with a "I know you feel it smirk."

"Come on! Let's go!

Touka yells from outside of the coffee shop. With a jealous voice. Only to be followed up by a reply from Kaneki in a annoyed tone.

"I don't know why your acting like this Touka, but your really starting to piss me of!"

All four of them burst out of the coffee shop at lighting speed. They make their way through the panicked streets of district 20. No care from the CGC or screams from people are affecting by their abnormal speed. Lighting hits every twenty seconds, and the darkness of the skies makes the atmosphere alarming and sluggish. Despite their surroundings, the four off them finally make it to the cave entrance.

"Well, it all or nothing."

Kirito's voice echoes down in the dense, dark cave. Asuna moves closer to Kirito with a worried and confused expression.

"Well look at those two love birds"

Touka replies with jealousy, and tears her eyes away from Kirito, and Asuna. Kaneki bolts into the cave with a blank an unamused expression pointing towards Toukas face.

"Let's get this over with so I can finally kill this black swordsmen. We cannot have another love triangle in a mange "Parse".

Kirito draws his swords and begins to lead while Asuna follows side by side with him. Touka then falls in line behind then four of them tucking her hands between her arms just as an eerie feeling takes hold around them. The farther they got into the cave, the more alert the four of them became. All that is heard is the cluttered foot steps from the four of them, and the daunting feel of the unknown.

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