Chapter 2 Kaneki Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just The Coffee

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I followed him to the coffee shop I use to work at with a group off ghouls at my disposal. For a virtual player he is incredibly strong. Nearly a match for me. I should be able to easily defeat him. Yet his quickness is surpassed a normal human. I got to rethink my inks and get stronger. I look down at the coffee shop. My white hair flowing in the wind. I'm knelt down on the side of a building.


I look down in dissapointment. Not in her, but in myself. She looks so sad just standing there. Looking out at the sky. I wonder what she is thinking about? Then Hanami comes into her room. What are they saying? Touka, and Hanami make there way down to the coffee shop. Yet that black knights down there! I need to go! I need to go there now!

I undress out of the clothes I'm in, and suit up in my coffee shop uniform. I jump down from the building and jog to the coffee shop. My hand rest on the door knob. Before I can even turn the handle. The door come flying open. I see Touka standing there looking at me. Her face goes from happy, to sad, then angry. She slams the door in my face before I can even enter. The door opens, and Hanami is standing infront of me.

"Big brother, Big brother! Where have you been! I've really missed you.."

"Errr..., I've just been going through something Hanami."

"Woah, you look completely different. Your white hair, your sterness in your face. Something's seems off with you. You seem different brother. Are you okay?"

"Its nothing you need to worry about Hanami. You been keeping up with your reading?" By the way, who is that character over there?"

"I don't know Kaneki? He just came in a couple minutes ago?"

"OK. Do me a favor Hanami? Please go up to your room for me. I'll be up there to teach you some more reading."

"Ok big brother!"

Hanami goes up the stairs into her room. I walk past Kirito. He is tense and well guarded. The sounds of the stairs snapping and popping as I walk to Touka's room. Her door is shut by the time I get to her door. I knock hard., then I knock a little lighter.

"Go away Kaneki!"

"Touka? We need to talk.. Open the door."

The door swings open. She is standing there looking at me with a bright red face. There's no movement at all from both of us. She throws a punch at me. I dodge it quickly. Then she pushes me away.

"Talk! Talk about what? You should of talk to me before you left with out saying anything. Why don't you just leave now. You shouldn't even be here anymore. Did you ever once think about how we your friends feel? How I feel?"

Before I can say one word she throws another punch. Her fist hits me in the face, and I stagger back a little.

"I wish you never ended up like this kaneki!
Who you are now is not you."

She slams the door. I don't know what to think or say. My heart hurts, yet I'm dissapointed in myself. As I I'm walking away from Toka's door. I can't help but try to listen for her. My head slouches down.

"All I wanted to do was protect you guys.
Specially you Toka."

My voice echo's down the hall quietly. Noise from my feet walking back down the stairs are more harsh and noticeable. I make it to where Kirito is. I pull out the bar Stoll next to him, and sit down. No facial expression from me will be seen as I'm looking at the coffee beans ahead of me.

"So Black Knight. I see you made it to the coffee shop I work at."

"Kaneki! Well don't you look different with out that mask and black suit on. So I take it you and your ghouls followed me here."

"Your quick but not that quick Kirito. Even though this is the coffee shop I work at. It doesn't give me a reluctant feeling to kill you."

"Kaneki... I really do not want to fight. I just want to get back yo my own world, or dimension. How did that black hole even appear? Did you manipulate time and space with a device, or is that a power you acquired through your ghoul form?"

"Black Knight! I do not wish to discuss this with you.. Your stuck here now. Yet this is not a world for you to live in. Banking on your virtual state all you will be doing is gaining power and leveling up. I want that! So enough talking."

My collar around my neck get ripped of with anger. Pieces of my eye patch are torn apart as I rip it of. Kirito pulls out his black sword on me. The determination in his eyes make me more cautious instead of reckless now.Wind blows past me as I charge at him. Right before I could reach him. I get knock to the side snapping, and breaking tables and chairs.

"Enough Kaneki! What are you doing to this young man!?"

"Touka! Get out of the way! He is dangerous. I must kill him."

"I heard enough Kaneki! Stop or leave the shop this instant!"

She is starring me right into my eyes. With no hesitation. I turn away, and begin to walk towards the door."

"Kaneki! Wait! Just explain your reasons yo me about this situation?"

"Touka's hand grabs my arm I turn around look her into her eyes."

"I just want to get stronger to protect you, and my friends."

As I turn away I take Touka's had off my shoulder. I open the door, and exit the coffee shop. The eerie feel of Touka's stare keep me from looking back. My feet make its way to my old college. Big buildings stare down at me. So I take one huge leap to the top I stand on the corner looking out to the dark sky. Its around five-thirty a.m. I can see dawn coming out from across the horizon. My mask hanging out of my pocket grabs my attention so I put it on. I rip of my coffee uniform quickly, and get dressed in my ghoul suit.  Before the last of the sunlight comes over the horizon I take off to the eleventh district. What do I do now?

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