3. Paris - say what now?

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  • Dedicated to my bestfriends <3


I just wanted to say that if you're reading this, you're awesome.

Frickin = fried + chicken

(ain't I smart?)

I know that chapters are short, but that just means more parts, 'ey?(:

My. Grammar. Sucks.

If there are any misspelled words, I wouldn't be surprised.

don't judge meeee..

Just wanted to say hi to my friends that are reading this - loveyou(:

Hope you like this chapter ~


Thanks lovelies

-Dupree <3


As we walked in to the studio I heard a cat whistle, (A/N: like if-you-see-someone-hot-whistle)

and finally saw what Hailey was wearing. A short, black strapless dress that went to her mid-thigh with a low back. She was only wearing a long trenchcoat when I came home to pick her up, so I assumed she was wearing a skirt or something. Not this 'fine' dress. It's not too slutty at all. Nope. (note my sarcasism)

"What the hell are you wearing?" I whisper yelled.

"A dress.. why?" she said, knowing she was making me frustrated.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I can see your frickin' butt, that's all!" I said, merely annoyed.

"Oops, my bad." she said, shrugging oh so innocently. God she can be stubborn at times.

I walked over to the five boys staring at Hailey with wide eyes.

"Boys, this is Hailey, Hailey, these," pointing to the five of them, "are the boys."

"Hiiiiii," she said in a very loud, but flirty voice. She squished herself inbetween Harry and the end of the couch, and those two lovebirds couldn't take their eyes a second off of each others.

As soon as I sat down on the couch with one seat, loud, footsteps came clacking (A/N: not sure if clacking is a word (lol), but the person has high heels on, so you know, that noise) into the little room where the seven of us were gathered. I looked up and saw Sheila, the best boss ever. Ah, the sarcasism. I pulled a faint smile together and said shortly,


"Good morning, Sarah, boys, and.." she trailed off and looked at me.

"Oh." I said, getting what she meant, after ages. "Sheila, this is my best friend Hailey, and Hailey, this is the greatest boss in the world, Sheila Mahone." Hailey's eyes widened. Oh dear God.

"M-Mahone? As in," she cleared her throat, "A-Austin Mahone?" she said, stunned. Last names do change a lot.

"Yes, yes, my nephew is Austin Mahone," she said, as if she's had to say it a million times.

(A/N I don't know if Austin Mahone has an aunt named Sheila, of he did, weird coincedince, but if not let's just pretend he does in the story, shall we?)

"Now if you would please keep your mouth closed so any flies won't fly in there," she said, and Hailey immidiately closed her mouth, "these six must go off to hair and make-up for their photoshoot. Come on, we have no time to waste." Sheila said, holding up her finger like an angry mother.

She turned her heel and started walking through the glass doors in the corner of the room. I scurried up to her, trying to keep up. She is a fast woman.

"I am SO sorry about Hailey, she fangirls about everybody. Literally." I said, trying to look apollogetic.

"It's okay. I get that a lot, don't worry," she said, letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh thank goodness. I thought you were going to fire me or something!" She only smiled. "You're not going to fire me, are you?"

"Oh, heaven's no! You're a good model, Sarah, I was actually having thought about some other stuff for you.." Sheila said, smirking.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked, like a curious child on Christmas, wondering what they will get. "Please tell me! You have to! Please?" After begging and pleading for a few minutes she finally gave in.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you, but just calm down, okay?" I nodded. She leaned in closer to me. "You're going to be on the runway for a Victoria's Secret fashion show in a month." I couldn't believe what she was saying. Oh my god. A Victoria's Secret Runway Show.

I screamed like hell.


Don't I have to wear a lot of weird lengerie? Oh dear lord. Who cares. I'm gonna be a runway model! Yeah!

Louis ran up to me looking terrified.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes! Totally!" I said, extremely excited.

"Then.. why'd you scream?" he asked, a confused look plastered on his face.

"No biggie.. it's just that, I'm going to be a runway model for a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show." I said, loud enough for Hailey to hear.

I heard a squeal as she ran up to me.

"WHAT?" she said, grinning. "YOU ARE?"

"I KNOW! Isn't it awesome?" I was basically shaking.

"DAMN RIGHT! But hey, what show is it? Summer or fall?"

"Summer, I think.. why?"

"Wasn't the summer show going to be in like Paris or something?" Louis asked, still walking by my side.

"It is? Hm," I said, nodding.

Then Hailey whispered to Harry,

"Wait for it.."

"IT IS?" I shouted, realizing what Louis had just said.

"PARIS?" I looked at him.

"DID YOU JUST SAY PARIS?" he nodded.

"AM I STILL SHOUTING?" he nodded again.

"SORRY," he let out a chuckle. Man, he is c-ute.

"And there you have it," Hailey whispered to Harry again.

"I heard that," I said, turning around to see Hailey blushing, her arm hooked with Harry's. They were cute together. Louis would never like me that way. Would he?

As we walked through the glass doors I saw the photoshoot place (A/N: whatever you call it?). Hm, pretty decent. Lights everywhere and the walls were splattered with white and a bit of yellow paint. Cool.

I was looking around until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

It was Louis.

"Hey Sarah, I was wondering if maybe.."


Heyyyy (:

Left you a little cliffhanger.. oops(;

Thank you all for reading(:

I know they're short, the chapters, I just can't write long ones.. impossible for me. But instead of long chapters, there will be more parts! Great huh? A comprimise(:

ALSO! Check out my newest fanfic, Truth or Dare (: it's about a girl and the boys (they're best friends) and they want to trave, the world and stuff. Romance, adventure and comedy is on your way if you read it :)



*A/N FEBRUARY SECOND 2013: I've decided to skip the comments, as long as you read and vote that's fine with me! CHAPTER FOUR will be up shortly, I think. -D*

(no votes or comments, no finding out what happens to Sarah and Louis!(; so VOTE AND COMMENT PEOPLE!)

Thanks lovelies

~ Sawyer

A Model and Her Boyband (Louis Tomlinson) {on hold}Where stories live. Discover now