1. The Phone Call

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  • Dedicated to my bestfriends <3


This is my first story ever, please don't hate if it sucks..

Also, fan/comment if you like this chapter (:

CHAPTER 2 IS COMING SOON! I've been pretty busy, but it's coming though (:


~ Sawyer


'I had a dream that the whole world was starin' at me..'

I groaned. My phone was ringing. Ugh.

I lifted my head up a bit and looked at my clock. The black hands were pointing to an eight and to a three. 8:15 a.m.

Who could be calling at this hour?

Oh wait, my freaking boss, that's who.

'Yeah?', I answered with a tired tone.

'No tones, Sarah.' she, as in Sheila Mahone, responded with a harsh tone.

'Why are you calling this early? It's 8:15, it's Sunday, what the heck?' I asked, and avoided the foul language, knowing it could cost my job.

See, I'm a Victoria's Secret model, a new comer basically. A floor model, no undergarments, just pajamas and stuff like that. To review: I'm Sarah Miller, I'm nineteen years old, a Victoria's Secret model, and I currently live in London with my best friend, Hailey Grey.

'I have a job for you. Come in to my office at 9 a.m. sharp. I think you're going to like it. D'you know who One Direction is, by the way?' she asked me with her Aussie accent.

'Yeah, of course. Why?'

'No, nothing special.. just wondering,' she said quickly.

I heard a "beep" and just like that, the call ended.

Why did she want to know if I knew who One Direction were?

If I didn't mention, I'm a huge Directioner! I love those boys and everything about them!

Their songs,

their smiles,

their hair..

Get back down to Earth, Sarah. Earth to Sarah.

Why did she ask me that?

Wait a minute!

Am I going to..

No way.

I'm doing a photoshoot with One Direction.

Oh my god.

I jumped up in excitement and screamed as loudly as I could.

Hailey came running in to my bedroom with a terrified look plastered on her face. I woke her up apparently.


'What's wrong? Did somebody die? Is there a spi-'

I cut her off with a sentence I never in my nineteen years of existense thought I would say.

'I'm going to do a photoshoot with..'

I never thought I would say I was going to do a photoshoot with someone basically.

There was a moment of silence, because she obviously thought I was going to tell her who, but she soon cought on.

'Oh, I'm supposed to guess, aren't I?'

I gave her a 'duh' look and rolled my eyes.

'Uh, is it a celebrity?'

'Why do you think I screamed?!'

'I just thought you were happy you got a job!'

'It couldv'e been that too, you're right..'

'Anyway, back to this! Who's the mystery celebrity?' she asked, now sitting with her skinny legs crossed on my white sheets.

'More like, who are the mystery people?' I said and flashed her a grin.

'Wait.. people? There's more than one celeb? What, is it like a band or somethi-'

Hailey's green orbs widened when she got who the photoshoot was with.

'It's not who I think it is do I?'

'Sadly, yes.' I said in a sarcastic tone.


'ONE DIRECTION!' we both screeched at the top of our lungs. We were both so overwhelmed at the thought of it, so I asked my very bestest friend as she tucked one of her brown strings of hair behind her ear,

'Hailey Olivia Grey,' I went down on one knee. I'm always being dramatic, doing stuff like this.

It's so fun! 'Would you have the honor of becoming my guest to the shoot?' I asked and smiled innocently.

She started fake crying (she's my best friend, did you expect us to be different from each other?) and answered through the "weeps",

'Yes, of course!' she said, 'I've been for someone to ask me this all my life!'

We burst in to laughter that lasted for a good two to three minutes.

I stood up again, gave Hailey a hug, took a pair of clean undies (yes, I still call them that), a bra, my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Turning on the water, I started to undress and I pulled my dirty blond hair into a pony tail and literally jumped into the steamy water. As I was showering, I started to sing.

'Come away with me, in the night,

Come away with me and we'll kiss, on a mountain top,

And I'll never stop lovin' you,'

I turned off the warm water after a few minutes of showering. I hopped out again and put my clothes on.

I walked down the stairs, and grabbed my pilot sunglasses.

'Hailey, I'll come and pick you up later,' I called out, 'just want to make sure that I will be doing a shoot with them.'

I heard a faint 'okay'.

I went outside and got in to my black SUV Range Rover. Starting the engine, I heard the chorus of 'Heart Attack' fill the air.

Of course, I hade just gotten the boy's new cd.

Well, I had to get a new copy, the other one broke, because.. er.. I played it to many times basically.

I ran quickly in to Starbucks and got myself an ice tea, today I was not in the mood for caffein. I drove to the studio, walked through the doors and saw their beautiful heads there.

One Direction and I were actually in the same room.

If you think you would be able to handle being in the same room as them, then tough shit, 'cause it's harder than you think, being in the same room as the five hottest guys in the entire world.

You're wrong, nobody would be able to handle it.

Not even the Queen.

Or Barack Obama.



Hi guys! I just wanted to say that if you're reading this, than thank you for reading this chapter.

I hope you like it, (:

1 vote for the next part? That's all I'm asking, (:

Thanks again!

Oh! By the way, her phone signal is Fly Solo by Wiz Khalifa, and in the shower she's singing Come Away With Me by Norah Jones (:

~ Sawyer

A Model and Her Boyband (Louis Tomlinson) {on hold}Where stories live. Discover now