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Notes: Came back after like 2 years, hope you guys enjoy the increase in writing quality and the rewrite. Spent most of my time on AO3, but since I felt bad for the readers of my most popular fanfic, I'm going to be doing a rewrite this year. It will not be super good in quality, but it's going to be better than before.

-Love Coco

It's dark, an endless void stretched on before me. Every step I took rippled, rippling across the floor before losing momentum and disappearing. It was like a large lake in that regard, but deciding that my surroundings weren't important enough, I decided to take a good look at the lady standing before me.

She was inhumanly beautiful. That was my only description of her. She was beautiful with golden curls and kaleidoscopic eyes; white wings tinged with gold opened up behind her, covered with a line of blue eyes. Spread around her. I instantly knew what she was.

She's a deity.

She gave off such an aura of power and regality, only befitting of a god or someone of similar power and status.

Plus, it helps that this isn't the first time I dealt with one before, realizing that I lost my weapons when coming here. I decided to stay still and follow her orders. Better chance of my soul staying intact if I don't anger her.

" So you're the one Truck-kun hit." She said, before looking at the notepad she was carrying and began using a golden pen to check something off.

" So I apologize for your death. It is in fact my responsibility for I was the one who didn't bother to monitor my pet truck. So as compensation, you'll be isekaied to a world of your choosing with 5 wishes.

What?! An isekai, but why? You know what don't question it and accept your good luck. So what kind of world should I be reborn into?

Calm down, you need to be cautious. This is too good to be true.

" Are there any limits for the wishes?"

" Well, as long as it isn't making you omniscient or omnipotent I can do it.

"I have decided my wishes", yeah it was pretty easy to think of the wishes after being toldd it was nearly limitless. I just need to make the wish so detailed that there can't be any loopholes to be taken advantage of.

"So my first wish is to be reborn in Glory city in the same timeline as the protagonist. I don't want to take the risk of making my wishes too vague and ending up in a doomed timeline."

" Done and what else?" The goddess said before pulling out a laptop-like thing and typing something in.

"Wait you're not questioning anything?"

"Well I can't really do anything about it so might as well accept it."

" My second wish is to have an op cheat system. It must fit the world I'll be in because, like any other Xianxia, the Tales of Demons and Gods have insane power scaling."

"My third wish is to be some sort of primordial animal like Nie Li's pet JinDan. But with my own will and enough power to defend myself, I don't want to end up trapped in some tower like the other dude's Qinlin ."

" Ah, a wise decision. You don't know how much that'll help , when you specified as being with power and intelligence, and not just as some egg."

What was this goddess even planning with me?

" And my fourth and fifth wishes I'll use them later"

"Ok now you go"

When I woke up, I was outside a classroom when a red-haired lady beckoned me to come in.

Notes: Hoped you guys liked the edited chapter.

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