Chapter 4 - Joining forces (I swear its not a starwars ref)

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 It's been a while since I've had any real social contact, ever since I've known about Willow and then TSP's base, I've been worried that I might slip up. So I've been pretty much quarantined for 2 weeks now. I picked up the paper map that Willow gave to me, looking at it now, it looks pretty sad for any completed map without worth. I walk over to my fireplace, about to toss it in before I look at it once again. Viewing it now opened something in my mind, this map wasn't just to help me get home, it was an invitation to join Willow's group. Backing away from the fireplace, I pull out my journal, writing down the pros and cons of being in the group. Although I'm supposed to be on the good side of the world, it was fun to be in the bad, and I'll admit breaking out Willow's friend was the most entertaining thing I had done in ages. In the end, the pros outnumbered the cons. I pulled on my dark F/C jacket and went out the door, following the tracks I had left behind when coming home that were somehow still in one piece. It was slightly showering, and the grass was very muddy making it hard to see. Adding onto that my foot was still stinging from falling off a building, although mid-way into the trip it started to heal more.

-Epic time skip because screw my writer's block-

I had finally arrived at the 'refinery', or that's at least what it was called by both Willow and the sign hidden in the vibrant green bushes. As I launched myself down the 7'' metal fence, I noticed a wooden door. The door had a blocked window and a sign on the door handle saying 'please do not enter, unstable oil containment lies within'. Cautiously, I knocked on the spruce door, sprinkled in water. I stepped back as the door flung open. There stood a skunk, she wore a grey short-sleeved shirt that overlapped a black and hot pink hoodie. She had a dark grey skirt and white socks with dark black shoes. On her head was a grey beanie with a gold phase on it that read 'TSP'. She looked surprised to see me, and she most likely should be as this place looked intentionally hidden from the public. Then in a flash, I blacked out, only remembering seeing her wielding a wooden bat with a determined expression on her face.

Hours pass by, and I still wasn't able to push myself to wake up. Sometimes I would hear people talking like "Who are they?" and "What do we do with them?" and occasionally I would hear conversations about corn vs hotdogs.

Eventually, though, I woke up. I was in a strange concrete room, a locked door in front of me and an air vent too high for me to reach. I tried looking around for various clues on how to get out, but there wasn't anything I could use, only a food tray and a blanket. On the bright side, I wasn't soaking wet from the rain and I felt like my energy was higher than before. I put my head angst the locked door, trying to see if I could hear anything behind the door. All I managed to translate from the mutters coming from the hallways were:

"Stand guard, I'll go inside after a while"

I backed away from the door and collapsed on the blanket, 100% forgetting that it was a blanket on a cold concrete floor, not a bed.

"OW! Sh!t.."

"They're awake?!"

"Go get boss, she said to bring her over when they're awake."

"Right away!"

I heard footsteps dashing in a different direction as I rubbed my back. I looked up to the ceiling as the harsh yellow lights glared into my eyes.

"So... you're finally awake Y/N? Took you long enough."

I recognized that voice instantly, my head perked up to see Willow now standing in the room, leaning ageist the door.

"And I'll assume you wanted to join us. Based on the fact you came here completely alone and un-armed."

"I-is that possible right now?"

"Well yes, but I have to enforce some extra rules on you to make sure that no harm is done."

She looks at me with a bit of a stern look, different from when we last encountered. But I knew that she was glad I came back since she let me in without too much questioning, either that or she simply trusts me a lot. I pulled myself up and off the dusty dark green blankets as Willow knocked on the door in front of us twice. A tall brown bear opens the metal door and lets Willow and me out of the prison cell looking room. Grabbing me by the wrist, Willow directed me to a laundry room. She bends down to one of the cabinets and pulled out a uniform. It was a grey tank top with a turtleneck and ruffled sleeves for the top and dark blue jeans for the bottom.

"Here. There's a changing room on your left over there next to Kitty."

She points over my shoulder as I take the clothes. Looking over I saw an orange cat standing near a white curtain, seemingly a dressing room. She noticed me and began waving dramatically while smiling, gesturing for me to come over. I limped over since my back was still stinging, and entered the dressing room.

-a few minutes later-

The jeans were tight, but I managed to get them on, I left the changing room and walked back over to Willow.

"Ah! You look marvelous! But your missing one final touch"

She brought out a small grey beanie with a golden badge on the top of it reading 'TSP' and placed it directly on my head, adjusting it so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"There we go sweetheart, now, you ready to go over the rules?"

"Yeah, sure"

I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I liked it.

Authors note: 1013 words! A new record! This one was really fun to make, and I'm sorry that there isn't much drama occurring yet, but I promise that it'll come in a later chapter. It's just building up right now. Anyways that's all I have to say for this chapter, bye!

"Masterminded Criminal" A Willow Wolf story from a Y/N POV [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now