Chapter 8 - Conflict

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The same room, beige concrete walls and blanket on the floor gave me slight nostalgia. I didn't have 'great' memories in this room, but it's an important place. I started out in this room as a rookie,  watched by the other members, now I'm the one watching someone new in this room. Thinking about it, we really didn't have to kidnap this dude, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But unfortunately for him he has to pay for his friends deeds.


"Hey, Y/N? Is he still out cold? I think you'd want to know something."

I recognize Flilips voice from the other side of the door, I look back at the horse, examining him. He was still sleeping peacefully on his side, almost no sign of life other than his quiet breaths.

"He's still sleeping, what did you want to me to know?"

He opens the door slightly so that I can see him, he was visually concerned, and was fiddling with his fingers slightly.

"Well, I think I've seen that dude before.. and where he lives."

I give him a confused look, he seemed to be telling the truth, but it also didn't seem like his goal was revealing the location.

"L/N, that's your last name, correct?"

I nod slightly. In doing so, he held his breath slightly, and looked to the side.

"Where are you getting at with this?"

He dug into his pocket a bit, and pulled out a photo. It was slightly blurry, but the people in the photo were still identifiable.

 It was slightly blurry, but the people in the photo were still identifiable

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"... is this?"

"So you do know her! I was hoping you could help me with some research."

My hands were half trembling, my own sister was with the other group?

It wasn't necessarily a terrible thing of course, but knowing the plan so far, I was horrified to see her, face to face, on different sides.

I was never one to care that much about what others think about me, but family is different. I could only imagine what she would say, cursing me for joining the 'evil' and not supporting the 'good'.

All of the sudden, I didn't want to pull through anymore.


But I have too.

"Well, I've heard Willow mention her name before, but that was it. I'm pretty curious about it. Also since I've been trying to earn the role as charge-leader, maybe knowing more about Willow could help her earn my trust..?"

Of course, Filip has been trying to gain a higher role in charging raids since the last week, he had been getting stronger, but his request was denied.

"Well, to start it off, that girl is my sister."

Filip looked at me with slight shock. But his expression changed to be more neutralized and said,

"I can kind of see it.."

"*Scoff* what's that supposed to mean?"

"Ahahah, nothin-"


All I remembered next was a hard hit to the back of my head, it hurt like hell, and I'm pretty sure it almost knocked me out.

I could feel my face almost hit the floor, Filip must've saved my nose, then I dropped back down, my chin was bruised and bleeding, it fvcking hurt.

I tried to push myself up, letting my H/C hair cascade down the sides of my face, blocking my view slightly. I coughed out a few droplets of blood from the impact my stomach took, and clutched onto my chin as it continued to sting.

I could hear Filips voice re-appear on the walkie-talkie provided for each other the TSP members, he was shouting for both Pandy and Bearer to give him support, saying something about how someone escaped.

Then it connected in my head, the horse woke up, and is most likely running a rampage throughout the refinery.

I failed my duties...

What was Willow going to think..?


I woke up to a bit of chattering, my head hurt, but not as bad as before.

"Y/N!! Are you alright?"

I gently blink my eyes open and sit up, adjusting to the lighting around me.

"Hhmm..? What-"

"God, you scared me!! You need to learn how to defend yourself, or at least be able to get up in a situation like that!!"


She looked pretty upset, with her hands on her hips all sassy like. (im so sorry 😭😭) I tried to say something in my own defense, but for some reason, my mouth stayed shut.

I felt a pair of two arms wrap around me, two grey fluffy ears spring up to my face, blocking my eye sight.

She brought away her face from my chest, and stared at me upsettingly.


"You- Don't 'hi' me!! You failed your duties, and almost caused a catastrophe. Our location could've gotten leaked!"

So she was upset, although she sounded more worried than upset.

Willow continued to ramble about my failure, but I couldn't really bring myself to listen. I was already clouded around recent events, I was still figuring out the whole 'sister' situation. Filip has said he heard Willow mention the name before, like she was a mass enemy to take down. I didn't necessarily like my sister all that much, but I didn't hate her. I wanted her to survive as much as anyone else.

On the other hand, I wouldn't want to disappoint Willow, or anyone else in the TSP. They were more family to me than almost anyone else, and there's always a possibility that they'll leave me if I do no good in helping them..

The whole situation was really starting to stress me out, I wanted to sleep on the idea, in hopes that it might be forgotten later on.

"-And so to make up for your mistake, I think it be best if you get put onto the outer walls. I know you have some fight in you, and you need to learn to be able to let it out when needed."

"W-wait what?"

"Were you not listening to me?"

I went silent, I guess I'll just guard on the topic, maybe something interesting will happen on watch to get my mind off everything.


AN: Omfg this took so so long I'm so sorry yalls 😰

I know that a lot of yall are into this story (or not, idk) but I'm going to have to say that pretty much in the past year (2021-2022) I've lost interest in Piggy. It's fun to write about here and there, but in the end I'm not very into it as much as I used to be.

(Also this book is so cringy I didn't have much of a plan when I was writing it and just threw random things, and now i pretty much hate it)

So I wont be updating this like I used to, I'm really sorry, but everyone looses their interest eventually.

I wanted to make sure that I did get this chapter out though, since I did promise it, so ye.

"Masterminded Criminal" A Willow Wolf story from a Y/N POV [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now