Chapter One

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She typed on her laptop, focused on messaging her family, which she had not been able to do in so long . Her tail swished anxiously undereath her, as her cat ears were perked up listening to all the sounds outside of her cell door. She'd been here 1016 days and yet she wasn't used to living in a small cell. The only things inside her cell were a bed, a laptop (Which only was charged at night.), a small bedside table, and a kitten that she was allowed to keep as 'a happy friend', and of course the small kitten had grown older than it used to be. The kitten normally laid on the table, or next to Minx in bed. Minx normally just spent her days playing video games, but once a guard had caught her on her laptop. She became very paranoid after that, since the people captured weren't allowed to use electronics. Her sister Kristie had brought it in secretly for Minx, so that she wouldn't be bored. So now Minx hides the laptop underneath her bed while it charges. 

Posters covered the wall, but mostly pictures of her family. Of course they weren't framed, as otherwise Minx would've been dead by now if that was the case. Letters often slipped underneath the door, often from family members and even possibly the scientist running this place. Dr. Chem. He was an evil bastard, who tested on hybrids, but mostly humans. He would turn humans into hybrids and keep them locked up in cells. He never even let people share cells, as they might hurt each other. But this situation was different. Dr. Chem had run out of cell space and was forced to put a male and female together. The two people who would be paired together were named Anthony Chaos and Michelle Manga. They'd have to share a small bed, with a kitten, and if Anthony was into games, they would have to share a laptop. Unless Anthony had a secret one that he hid from the guards that always brought them food or letters. 

Anything would almost be possible in that cell.

Anthony just wishes he never fell for the girl.

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