Chapter Two

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Btw I changed something...Er, Chilled is new to the place so he hasnt been there 274 days. <3

♥♥♥Minx's POV♥♥♥

"No!" Screamed someone. I groaned and rolled over, staring at my cell door. "Leave me alone!" A man yelled, once again. I sighed and sat up, petting my kitten on the head. "Good morning.." I whispered. She meowed in response and I could understand what she said, because I am part cat. "Funny." She had replied. Yeah, being a cat hybrids pretty cool.

Oh, yeah, and my kittys name is Adesa. I don't know why I named her that, it just sounded cool. (Hehe who knows what Adesa is? ;)) My cell door opened, and Adesa jumped off my bed and scurried underneath my bed. The man who had been screaming was thrown into my cell, and the door slammed behind him. "Let me out!" He yelled, banging his fists on the door.

"Ehem." I cleared my throat. He turned around and his eyes widened at the sight of me. Is he not a hybrid?

"What the hell are you?!" He squealed, backing against the wall. "I'm a cat hybrid you jackass." I growled in reply. "New here huh?" I guessed. He nodded and replied, "They kidnapped me..Did they do this to you?"

"Yep." I replied simply, laying back down on my bed. My tail swished and my ears were down, as I was uncomfortable in this situation. I'm not good around people. "With your luck, you'll be a hybrid like me." I mumbled. I could tell he started to panic, so I got up. "You'll live though." I added, making him calm a bit. "I'm Minx." I held out my hand, for him to shake it. He shook it nervously, like he was afraid of me. What a bitch.

"I'm Anthony...But my friends call me Chilled..." Anthony mumbled. I giggled at him being shy and sat on my bed. "You realize we have to share this bed now, right? Unless you want to sleep on the floor.." I brought up. He sighed and nodded, "I'm fine with that..As long as I'm not against the wall.""Haha don't like being trapped?" I replied to him. He chuckled and nodded. "Just a bit."


"How long have you been here?" Chilled asked. I sighed and faced him, "1016 days." He chuckled, "Thats impressive..I mean impressive that you can remember that."

"Eh, I try." I reply boredly. "What do you do during the day?" He asks. Fuck, he doesn't have his own laptop. Well...

"Well, I have a kitten named Adesa who I t-play with." I didn't want to tell him I talked to her, I think he'd find that strange. "And...Er, a laptop." I add on quietly. His eyes widen in excitement. "I love games!" He says quite loudly.

"Sh, we aren't allowed to have electronics in here." I scold, slapping my hand over his mouth. He mouths sorry, as a envelope is passed underneath the door. I get up and open it quickly.

"Michelle Manga and Anthony Chaos required for testing. Be prepared and dressed. ~Dr.Chem"

"Your first test is coming." I say with a smirk. Chilled groans and stands up, reading the letter. It was quite short..Normally they were quite long.


"What are we being tested for?" Chilled blurted out. Thats his first fuck up. I should've warned him...

Chem slapped Chilled across the face. Chilled fell to the ground, holding his cheek and a tear slipping from his eye. Hes a softy, thats for sure.

"Don't interrupt me." Chem growls, glaring at Chilled. "You are being tested for...Pregnancy and a new hybrid." Chem answered Chilled's question. The thought slipped from my mind for a second.

Wait, Pregnancy?!

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