A Pack On Pack On Pack Brawl

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On planet doom, Kala was training against drul guards. They attack. They swing their spears but Kala dodged them. She jumps up and catch them in her webs. When she landed a larger drul grabs her. But she breaks free and lifts him into the air, and throws it into more drul. She laughs as the sound of clapping catches her attention. She turns and sees Lotar and Drager. 

Lotar: impressive Kala. You seem to master this new form of yours.

Drager: yes as well as the haggarium that courses through you.

Kala: yes, it feels good to have a more human body.

Drager: now that this out of the way, what to do with Voltron and the paladins. 

Lotar: yes, they'll soon learn that the drips are forming, show how should we distract them.

Kala: may I suggest my lord. Since we are growing in numbers, why don't we do the same for the robeasts

Lotar: go on

Kala: instead of sending one, we send a pack, a hive mind that knows each other's thinking and attack in Coordinated atacks. Where even the mighty voltorn and his paladins will be lost in the panic.

Drager: oh I like her

Lotar: yes you bring far more to the table than others have before. But the matter of the robeast. Haggarium will make them go berserk if not check

Drager: that won't be an issue my lord. Now that haggarium grows so due it's users. And I got the perfect pack to snuff out the heart, of the defender.

Drager a eyes glow purple. On Arus, outside the castle of lions, stinger was sitting on a rock eating a sandwich. Then Larmina comes by.

Larmina: so, who you think will win

Then we see yellow lion and red lion but heads right in front of them. They jump back and circle each other.

Stinger: don't know, it kinda goes either way. Sandwich 

He shows her another sandwich.

Larmina: sure

She takes it as they watch the fight.

Hunk: alright Lance, time to get bulldozed.

Yellow lions charges at the red lion. His body turns into his indestructible form.

Lance: don't think so

 Rex lions glows and fires multiple fire balls. The attacks doesn't stop yellow lion but blinds him. When he finally see he sees red lion on his left. He smacks his leg and trips yellow. He rolls over and lands on his back.

Hunk: hey!

Lance: [laughs] couldn't resist

Stinger: go Lance

Larmina: go hunk

Pidge: guys please, this is not a fight

They look to Pidge who's using his mobile lab.

Pidge: I'm trying to see what unlocks these new abilities in the lions. It's amazing that they have these hidden abilities and that in their center forms they unlock weapons. No matter how many upgrades we make, we could never unlock this. The power of the lions is amazing a whole new level.

Stinger: what's happening to pidge,

Larmina: don't worry, sometimes he goes off the rails.

He continues talking but the yellow lion stomps the ground getting his attention, as both lions hovered over him.

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