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On arus, I'm the castle of lion we see Daniel wasting in the med bay. All was quite when a white glow comes an connects with him. Daniel wakes up, weeding he floating in space, but really the astral plane. He body was pure white. 

Daniel: cool, wait I can talk, how is this possible

As he floats around young stinger was floating behind him, sitting as he smiled.

Stinger: this is the astral realm

Daniel: woah, who are you

Stinger: I'm kinda the new paladin of the Voltron force. The names stinger, an you are Daniel 

Daniel: yeah, so wait, why am I here

Stinger: long story short you were poisoned by the haggarium to the pint of you attack the lions, you were out in the med day, and I managed to heal you of the poison 

Daniel: wow, you did that, thanks, but how did

Stinger: even longer story, I have the same energy that flows through the lion. How I can talk to them an how I can meet them here

Stinger points behidn him an Daniel looks back, seeing the lions in a more transparent, glowing form

Daniel: woah.... Imma take a guess an say your not just here to pilot a lion.

Stinger shakes his head an points to his masters. They appear before Daniel.

Master: Daniel, young pilot of the black lion, there is a great evil about to stain this land an ancient threat, we are here, to make sure your ready, for of your life

Daniel:... well what we waiting for

Stinger smiles as he sensed something. He wakes up get picked up by hunk.

Hunk: hey little body, you ready

Stinger: ready for what

Hunk: we're going monster tracking

Stinger: we are

Hunk: an guess who's riding shot hum with yellow

Stinger: sweet

They walk out the room, hunk didn't see stinger expression change.

On planet Doom

Drager was in his lab, tinkering with something in a canister. He Kala walks in.

Kala: how's your latest project 

Drager: he's almost done, once finished he'll be another addition to lord Lotar's growing army [senses something] our lord is summoning us 

They head to the thrown room. There Lotar was drinking haggarium. Holding an orb as well.

Drager: you summoned us lord

Lotar: yes, I've believe it's time to take Voltron down a peg. 

Drager: indeed my lord, an before the black lion gain his new power

Kala: I've seen them gets weapons, what's the threat

Drager: the threat, is that the black lion is the leader of the lions, he was chosen, he's the was first form of Voltron for a reason.Meaning when he gains the new power, he'll be unstoppable, even at the power we're at.

Lotar: all the more reason to attack arus with everything we got.

Drager: I believe I have just the creation for the job

Kala: will this robeast be enough 

Drager: oh he isn't a robeast.

Drager smiles as his eyes glow. 

Voltron Force: combine into predatronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon