chapter 2

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Sorry it took longer then it should have... I lost power for a few weeks and found out I had covid so it been...crazy anywho onto the story


I felt a ball of paper be thrown at my head. I tiredly opened my eyes looking at where the paper came from. Minx sat on her bed, staring at me.

“If you couldn’t tell I was trying to sleep Minx” I mumbled trying to go back to sleep only to have another ball of paper thrown at my face. Sitting up I looked at her pissed and threw my pillow at her causing her to fall off her bed and laugh.

“I know that's the problem arentation is starting soon for you” Minx said. I jumped out of bed.

“What shit! I'm gonna be late!” I grabbed what I needed and ran out the door. I ran towards the school leaving the dorms only to bump into two other people who were also in a hurry.

“Y/N i'm so sorry are you alright” I looked up to see Hunter and another boy. Hunter reached his hand out and I took it as he pulled me up.

 Hunter reached his hand out and I took it as he pulled me up

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(Not my best work but I was in a hurry)

“Are you on your way to arentations too?” he asked, I only nodded in response. The boy behind Hunter grabbed his sleeve.

“Hunter come on we are going to be late” he sounded irritated… Hunter only nodded understanding.

“Alright Grape Come on we all can walk together” Hunter smiled

“Stop calling me that…” the boy said. Hunter ignored him and grabbed both his and my hands and basically started dragging us. I looked over at the boy with green hair only to get a glare back….. what I'd do?

After running a few minutes late we did make it while one of the teachers were talking.

"Thank you Mr. William for that speech now I'd like to welcome you all to campus' here is where you'll work and achieve your dreams and find yourself along the way here and I can't wait to see and learn from each and every single one of you" The principal said and sat back down. We saw kids leaving so we took the hint that it was over.

"I guess we basically missed most of it," Hunter said.

"Well when you sleep and forget to set an alarm it was bound to happen" the boy said, grabbing a hunter's arm.

"Now let's go back to my dorm and continue playing video games" he said with a bit of venom lasing his voice….. he reminds me of someone but I can't put my foot on it?

"Huh- oh alright hey can Y/n join us?" Hunter asked.

"NO. I mean no I just want it to be us" he said and dragged Hunter away….



He reminds me of me when I was a complete asshole….

…..oh…. He likes him

"This is gonna be a fun year" I said with a smile and walked back to my dorm

(book 2)Life after History class Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now