Chapter 8

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Take this as a Christmas present
You can't say I didn't give anything

I sat on the couch cuddling techno as he scrolled through his phone and Wilbur and Tommy where messing around with Minx's cut outs.

"So Tommy what's been happening in your life?" I asked

"Well women I started this vloging thing and now I'm a millionaire" Tommy said with a smile then got hit by cardboard by Wilbur.

"He has a few subscribers right now- three of them being his father and brothers" Wilbur said as Tommy rubbed his head.

"Bitch..." Tommy mumbled

"What did you say." Wilbur looked at him

"Nothing!" Tommy yelled sweating

"....okay..." I said and then looked at techno...

"So you been on your phone more then you have been talking to me..."

"Mh?" He said looking down at me...

"...Nothing techno...." I said looking away...

Wilbur POV

*blink* *blink*

I walked over and pulled on techno's ear.


"We didn't travel hours just so you can be on your phone techno" I said.

It took him a second to get the hint...

"Oh baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" He said hugging Y/n tight. Now that's more like it.

Suddenly Minx walked in.

"Y/n you left me there"

"...sorry Minx a lot happened and-"

"I heard" Minx said as a tall pink haired really pale guy walked in. Hes....I'm choosing not to finish that sentence...

"Y/n I'm sorry-"

"No it's fine Hunter it happens.... a lot more then you think actually..." Y/n said.... wait what's happening?

"...I since awkwardness so let's change something!" Tommy said

"How's my outfit does it look nice I didn't know whether to choose the red or the dark red shirt-" Tommy ranted... that's gonna go on for awhile. I'm leaving...

I walked out but before I did I looked at the the pink haired fellow named Hunter

"Hey how old are you?"

"20 almost 21"

"Good enough for me come on let's go get a drink you sad boi"

"Huh?-" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and walked out with him.

Techno's POV

After Wilbur left with Hunter, minx and Tommy went to the store to get snacks with Wilburs card- I guess Hunter is paying for the drinks...

Y/n and I talked and talked about everything that's been happening... sometimes I had the urge to check my phone to see if they texted but I kept it on silent and spent the rest of the night with y/n. I've missed her so much... I'll check my phone later

(book 2)Life after History class Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now