Chapter 4

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I was watching TV with minx...well was but minx fell asleep so I was basically watching it by myself...

"I miss techno" I said and grabs my phone calling him




What's taking him so long? He normally answer on the first ring...maybe he's asleep...or he's busy- am I bugging him? Is he still packing for college? I just hit end call and sighed... It wasn't after a bit that I started to get a call...ranboo... I haven't seen him since graduation... I pressed answer...

"Hey y/n"


"Haha glad you at least didn't forget about me- what no tubbo I'm just talking to y/n- ah no my phone!"


"Hello y/n!" I heard tubbo's voice ring through my phone

"Hey baby bee"

"I miss you when the hell you going to visit" this caused me to laugh

"How about when it fall break I'll come up their and we can get the gang back together and hang out"

"That sounds like a great idea- oh guess what!"


"Ranboo and I rescued a baby pig and we named him Micheal!" I could hear the joy in tubbos voice

"Dude send me picture!" I smiled

"Hey tubbo it's getting late you should head back to your dad's before he gets to worried" I heard ranboo say in the back.

"Aw already fine take care of Michael we both know my dad would turn him into Bacon"

"Will do now give me my phone"

"Fine bye Y/n"

"Bye baby bee" tubbo handed the phone back to ranboo and I heard a bit of moving and then a door closing guessing tubbo left-

"I missed you"


"No really I have missed you I miss everyone I hope you having fun at college"

"...ya..ya I missed you too ranboo" I couldn't help but smile a bit

"Hey- Michael stop acting like you dad that my phone" I laughed

"Well I'm going to let go alright y/n"

"Alright bye ranboo"

"Bye y/n"

He hung up....that was... awkward but not somehow...idk. I notes I missed a call when I was on call with ranboo looking at it my breath said bitch...aka my mother...

Not wanting to deal with her bullshit and I put down my phone and l laid down on my bed going to sleep...I have class tomorrow...

My vision got blurry as sleep crept in I didn't even notice the buzzing of my phone and I fell asleep

(book 2)Life after History class Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now