Chapter 3

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Sorry for the long wait...things haven't been the best..I had covid, my ex broke up with me and then I had a bunch of work to do over break...but here's chapter 3

Techno's POV

I sat in the back of the car as Tommy and Wilbur blasted music in the front.

"We are a hour away from seeing your true love techno" Wilbur said, I smiled and went back to scrolling through y/n Instagram looking at her recent post. She's making friends at least.... I just can't wait to see her again... it's been to long-

Tommy screeched causing me to jump and Wilbur to lose focus on the road almost driving us into a ditch but luckily Wilbur got back on the road.

"Tommy what the fuck!" Wilbur screamed hitting tommy in the head.

"Ow, techno look at y/n Facebook" Tommy said shoving his phone in my face. I looked at the photo is was a picture of minx and some guy with pink hair (I now have green hair actually but I'm keeping it pink in the story) kissing y/n on the cheek on both sides of her face.... who's the guy?...

"I think y/n is cheating!" Tommy shouted......worry is caving in..

She might be-

Shaking my head quickly and looked back at tommy.

"Tommy that's most likely just her friend she was talking about she said he was gay" I replied

She said most likely-

Shut up and go away.

Don't need to be so-

"Fuck off!" I screamed causing tommy and Wilbur to look at me worried...

"You good?" Wilbur asked

"Ya...ya, I'm good" I said with sigh... I turned and looked out the window...

I'll be their soon I just need to stop worrying...I trust her..

With all my heart

(book 2)Life after History class Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now