Chapter 4-The fresh start

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Riley's POV:
After about 10 minutes I look up to see this huge building in front of me. It was huge, this was my new school.
I slowly walked up to the front doors taking a deep breath, this is the moment that my new start begins.
I open the door to see like what seems 200 kids. I stand there looking at the mob of people, not one familiar face.
I see people looking at me, some probably knowing that I'm new.
As I stand there a girl with blonde hair approaches me.
"Hi are you new here?" She asks me with a smile.
"Yeah I am." I respond back smiling.
"I can help you out and show you around the school."
"That would be great, thanks so much." I smile relived. Half because I had someone to help and possibly a new friend...the other half because nobody's laughed at me or done anything mean to me yet...hopefully it'll stay that way.
"Oh and by the way my names Michelle." She told me with a big smile and put her hand out for me to shake.
"Riley." I shake her hand.
"We'll Riley where's your locker?"
I take out a little piece of paper with my locker number on it.
"Uh locker 315." I tell her.
"Awesome it's close to mine."
"That's great." I say back.
"We'll lets get going." She says and leads the way to my new locker.
As I'm walking which feels like forever I'm glancing around and checking out the place. It seems really nice but it's huge, and I mean...HUGE! Let's hope I don't get lost in this place.
I keep walking through the hallways thinking how different this place is and that I'm supposed to get used to this.
I see Michelle turn another corner which I'm pretty sure is like the 100th turn she's made this whole adventure and stops in front of a locker.
"Here we are." She smiles at me.
"Thanks so much Michelle, I really appreciate this." I respond giving her a small hug.
"No problem. What subject do you have next?" she hugs back.
"Uh math."
"Ok your in room 201, it's upstairs. When you walk up stairs take a left hand turn and then you are there."
"Alright thanks."
"No problem I'll check on you later."
"Ok thanks Michelle."
"No problem Riley." She smiles and walks off leaving me on my own.
I take a deep breath and turn the lock till it pops open.
I put all my stuff away and my books, I smile to myself and hope that I can find my way to the classroom.
Finally I got my math binder out and locked my locker. Just at that moment I heard the bell go off, that's when everybody started running to there classes and rushing.
Let's hope I can find my way there in time.

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