Chapter 31-Stay the night

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James POV:
I'm at home just trying to process what Beth told me.
We'll you see she's my ex girlfriend and she hasn't really moved on from me. But I mean I'm James Tordjman so obviously she hasn't moved on.
But anyway I'm just sitting here lost in thoughts when I hear the door bell go.

I jump to my feet and run down stairs.
I open the door to see Riley, I immediately get a huge smile on my face.
"Hey Riles." I say smiling.
"Hey James." She says.
"Come on in."
She steps in the house and takes off her sneakers and jacket.

"Ready to work?" She says.
"Hmm work...oh yeah." I laugh.
She hits my arm playfully and rolls her eyes.
"Ok ready?"
"Yep I'll just be one second."

I quickly run up stairs to get my work when I hear a very strong growl like sound from the wind outside. It seems almost as if there's going to be a storm.

I quickly check my phone to see that there's going to be a storm.

Now I get to see a scared Riley and get to keep her safe.

Then the lights go out and I hear Riley scream.

I quickly but quietly run down stairs to see Riley back on to the doorway in the dark.
I get an idea, I'm going to have some fun with this.

I quietly step up from behind Riley and put my hands on her shoulders.
"BOO!" I scream behind her.

She let's out a little high pitches squeal and stumbles to turn around.
"James!" She screams at me, obviously scared.
Which was the plan.

"Sorry Riles." I say with a smile on my face.
She just gives me a little glare and laughs.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah the lights just went out."
"Yeah um about that Ri, there's going to be a-" I start.
Just as I'm about to speak there was lighting.
Riley jumps into my arms like a little puppy and cuddles into me.
"Storm..." I finish.
"James..." She says mumbling into my chest.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"H-How am I gonna get home." She says.
Is she serious? I'm not letting her so home it's to risky.
I can't have anything happen to her or I'll never forgive myself.

"Your staying here Ri."
"But-" She starts but immediately gets cut off by me.
"Riles listen to me I'm not letting you take that chance. Your stayin-" She cuts me off.
"James I'll be fine."
"Riley look at me." I say.
Riley looks up at me and I stare into her beautiful brown eyes.
"I'm not letting you do this. Your staying here. I'm just trying to keep you safe. Understand me Ri?" I tell her sounding very serious of the fact that I called her Riley.
She nods slowly and very unsure of herself.
"Ok..." She finally responds.

"I'm sorry, it's for the best ok. Do you believe me?"
"James, of course I believe you. I trust you more then I ever have anybody and now as we'll. Your the one person I know that will always be there for me James." She tells me softly.
I have a big smile on my face as I hold her tightly in my arms.

Honestly, Riley saying those words to me was just...I can't even describe it.
I don't know I got a tingly feeling and it felt nice.
I don't know why I'm like this around Riley but one thing I'm sorton about is, that Riley gives me the feeling that nobody gives me,
I love it.

"James?" Riley's soft voice says.
"Yeah Ri?" I say looking down at her shaking body.
"I-I'm scared." She tells me pulling away form my grip.
"I know Ri, but trust me."
Just at that moment lightning strikes again.

Riley jumped and you could see the fright in her eyes.

"It's ok, I'll keep you safe." I tell her.
"I know James." She smiles. "I know she says again softly.

Riley's POV:
Honestly, I'm frightened but since I'm with makes me feel a whole better.
To be honest I'd rather be here with James in this situation or even in most.
He just. He makes me feel safe and I know that he won't let me get hurt.
I love him for a friend way of course.
Yeah yeah just friends, sorry.

James POV:
I wanna make Riley feel less scared and just so she relaxes a bit.
"Hey Riley." I say.
"Yeah?" She questions.
"What's on your foot?" I ask.

She looks down at her foot,
"I don't see anythin-" She starts.
But before she can finish I swipe her off her feet and swing her over my shoulder. I spin her around and around.

She starts kicking and squealing but I can tell that she's relaxing a little, which was the plan.

"James!!!" Riley giggles which puts a great big smile on my face.
"Put me down!!!" She finishes.
"One more round!" I say giving her one last big turn.

I very carefully lay her back down on her feet and hold her there until she's steady.
"You fine?" I say with a chuckle.
"Yeah but now you better run." She says with a little bit of fierce in her eyes.
"What? Why?" I question.
"Cause now it's your turn!" She exclaims and then starts to run after me.

I start running around with Riley chasing me.
I run in my living room and I lost track of Riley. I can hear her giggle and see her come the other way.
"Ah!" I scream and run right past her.

We start running around the whole inter house and I think Riley's calmed down now. Actually let me re phrase that,
Riley has definitely calmed down now.

As we're running I run into the kitchen.
But I trip over the chair at my table and fall on the ground on my back.
Of course Riley kept going and tripped right over me.

My head was on the floor and my back as we'll.
But the position we landed in,
I guess I'm fine by it.

Riley's POV:
First thing I know we're running.
Then the next thing I know we both feel down.
I had a soft landing but when I open my eyes the first thing I see is James and that I landed right on top of him.
Then the next thing our eyes locked right at that moment and right on the spot.

James POV:
Riley's on top of me and our eyes are locked.
Her eyes are beautiful and no matter how hard I try I just can't look away or stop my self from staring.

Were just staring at each other and I then start to lean in. I glance down at her lips while doing so.

I keep leaning and leaning until our lips are just inches apart. I start to open my mouth but just at that moment the lighting strikes again.

Riley starts to move away which makes me move back to my original position with my head back on the floor.

Riley gets up off of me,
"S-Sorry." Her sweet soft voice that I love speaks.
"Don't even worry about it." I tell her along with a sigh.

We walk on over to the couch and luckily the power came back on.
So we turned on the TV and started watching a movie that wasn't so sacred and was a comedy.
We both sat on the couch and I put my arm around Riley, then she cuddled into me.
Riley was cold after a while so I was holding her tight.

All that I could think about was how me and Riley just had a moment. was a moment right?
Anyways I just sat there with Riley cuddled into me thinking about whatever you call just happened.

Our moment :)

Wow, this was the longest chapter I have ever wrote😂
Since it's longer then hopefully that will make up for the few days I didn't update for😋
I hope that you guys like it👍
Jiley moments😍
Keep on reading❤️

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