Chapter 28-Like dirt

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The next day at school was just a normal one. But today I actually walked in with a huge smile on my face, and not a fake one a real one.
As the day went on I saw James he came up to me.
"Hey Riley, how were the auditions yesterday?" He says really excited for my answer.
I go to open my mouth to answer but he cuts me off
"Riley how was it?!" He says again.
I giggle,
"We'll I'm not sure yet but...honestly it felt amazing." I tell him remembering the whole thing.
"That's great Riley." He tells me.
I smile and the bell goes. We walk to class together but this time something happened that hasn't happened before.

James slipped his arm around my waste and I don't mind it.
I see him look over at me from the corner of my eye but I don't look back.

This feeling is amazing. I don't know why but it it.

Unknown POV: (Special POV)
As I'm walking down the halls I see something that I'm not ok at all. I see James swing his arm around some girls waste that everybody, and I litterly mean everybody makes fun of.
I've had my eye on her but she's never noticed me before...
I'd like to keep it that way.
All I want is James and I will get him no matter what. I will call James Tordjman mine.
I have a plan.
First on the list is to cut this girl out of the picture. Honestly, shouldn't be hard.
And let me tell ya, I'm pretty close to having that checked right off that list.
Just you watch.

Riley's POV:
When class is over I go right down to my locker but there's something up and I can tell.
I start to open my locker when I can feel someone's warm breaths on my neck.
"Hi James." I say.
But no answer.
"James!" I say again.
I'm about to speak again when someone's voice speaks.
"Turn around sweetie." The voice says harmly, I do as the voice tells me and turn around.
As I turn I see this girl but I'm not sure who. I've seen her around her locker is right next to mine but we haven't actually talked before.
All she does to me is ignore me and shoot me mean looks.
"Um sorry w-who are you?" I ask shaky.
"Is that your business?" She snaps.
I just stand there.
"Ha I didn't think so."
I just bit down hard on my lip. What does she want from me?
"Look stay away from James, Riley." She says.
"H-How do you know my name."
"I found it out awhile ago."
"I have my ways and you have yours." She glares at me. "Anyways stay away from him."
"No." I say quietly.
"What did you just say to me?" She says and it looks like she's about to harm me.
"Nothing..." I mumble.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" She says loudly and all the attention is on me. "Tell me!"
"No, I-I said no..." I say coughing back tears.
"We'll girl, stay away you loser." She says.
I don't do anything. She laughs at me.

James POV:
I'm walking down the hallway and see everybody's attention is turned down the end of the hall. I fight my way through the crowd.
But what I see, I'm kinda worried.
"STAY AWAY! We can do this the easy way or the hard way!" A girl says, I'm not sure who though because she's back on to me.
Riley's biting down hard on her lip. I see her coughing back tears trying to stay strong but...I can tell what Riley's doing. She may be good at keeping her emotions to herself but...
I can tell. She's not ok.
"TALK!" The voice demands.
Riley turns her head to look away but right at that moment she gets a slap across the face that you could hear the sound of her hand to the face.
"Loser!" She yells at Riley.
"James isn't here to help you now is he?!" She says right to Riley's face.
I've had enough of this. That made me very worked up.
"Anyways see you later but I've warned you." She says and flips her hair in Riley's face.
This girl walks right past me and I speak up.
"By the way James is here and how about you stay away from Riley, got it?"
That's when I notice who she is and I know that this is not going to end we'll.
When everybody goes back to there own business I bult right up to Riley. I have open arms and I just run straight up to her.
"Riley come here!" I say and she jumps in my arms.
Who would harm Riley?
Who would harm my Riley?
"It's ok Riley, I'm here now."
"I know James, I know." She say sniffling.
"B-By the way..." She says. "This might not be the best time but I didn't make A Troupe."
I froze.
"James..." She says still in my arms.
"Your kidding right?"
She let's out a little laugh.
"Yeah I am."
"Riley you scared me." But honestly, right now all that was on my mind was that someone just harmed Riley. I know that Riley is just trying to light up the mood but,
It's not working.

She continues to cry in my arms, I say something that I didn't mean.
"It's ok Riley, I'm here Riles." When I said 'Riles' I felt so bad. She doesn't like me calling her that.
"Riley sorry I'm so sorry, it slipped out.
"James it's ok."
I just hug her and we stay like this for awhile.
I just wish I could stay here with Riley forever.

I'm sorry guys that I didn't update yesterday😁
I'll try and update everyday again👍
Keep on reading❤️

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