Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

-Mike's POV-

*Same day as last chapter*

"Hey have you seen Eva?" I asked Vic as I walked in to the living room. He looked up at me, "Uh last I saw her she left out the back door soooo."

"Oh okay thanks," where would she go I wondered so I decided to text her.

Me: Babe where are you? :o

I waited a couple of minutes and then she replied.

Eva<3: Wanted to clear my head so I went for a walk :/

Me: You okay?

Eva<3: Yeah be there in a few.

I didn't text back after that, I do hope she's okay I thought to myself. I went out to our little porch area and sat on our front steps and smoked a cigarette. I felt so relaxed feeling the cool breeze and the clouds were starting to come in. It made the sky grey and dark just how I like it. I had things running through my head when I heard, "Hey babe." She sat next to me resting her head on my shoulder.

I put out my cigarette and wrapped my arm around her, "You okay?" Her voice sounded robotic when she answered, "Yeah." I lifted her chin to face me and kissed her lips lightly, "No you're not I know it Eva."

"I-I ended their relationship, I wrecked it Mike I'm so stupid." I was confused but her voice shook. Eva was those type of people who hated hurting others and did her best to put them before herself. "What do you mean babe? Who?"

"Vic and Pervy, I caused Vic to break up with her I feel like a piece of shit." I kissed the top of her head, "Baby that's not your fault, trust me they don't even seem affected by it. Vic was just in the living room watching t.v and Pervy was dancing around in your room cleaning."

"Are you serious? I feel dumb now I'm over here worrying about them and they're all good, you probably think I over reacted." I smiled, "No silly that just shows you have emotions and you care." She smiled and kisses my cheek, "What time is your flight?"

I looked down at my watch, "Ah shit, in a hour. We need to start heading out. She sighed, "Let's go tell them."

We walked in and told all the guys to gather their things and get ready. Eva was driving Tony and I with most of the luggage. While Pervy took Tone's truck with Vic, Jaime, and Sofia and the remaining bags. Our car ride was pretty quiet occasional small talk but mostly silence you'd understand why.

When we got to the airport we hauled all our bags to the designated area we waited out in the little waiting spot. My hand intertwined with hers. She rested her head on my shoulder and I leaned mine on hers. We were silent for a bit but I heard her singing quietly, "Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending by your side, tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile. I wouldn't mind it at all."

I kissed her head and whispered, "I love you," into her ear. She lifted her head up and smiled. "Flight 208A to New York is now boarding." Tony shot up, "Well boys it's about that time."

Eva reluctantly got up and let go of my hand. I knew she wanted to say goodbye to me last so I let her go while I said my goodbyes to Pervy and Sofia.

-Eva's POV-

I made my way to Jaime first, he gave me a sheepish smile, "Well Hime-Time I'm gonna miss you, your silly jokes, your stupidness." I laughed. "Hey that's not a nice thing to say before I leave," he laughed.

"Just be a good boy when you're out there or Sofia and I will personally go and get you."

"I will..." he smiled "...I'm gonna miss you Eva a whole boat load."

I smiled warmly and gave him a giant hug he hugged me even tighter, "Ja-Jaime c-ca-can't bre-breathe." He let go, "Oops sorry." I laughed lightly and gave him another hug.

I saw Tony standing alone all awkwardly so I ran to him and tackled him into a giant hug that almost knocked both of us down. "Woah there sistah," he said as we regained our balance. "Oh Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony what am I going to do with out you."

He just smiled and gave me another hug. "Evaaaa, how am I gonna do this? You've been my best friend forever now I can't deal with shit by myself," his brown eyes staring in to mines.

"Tony you can do this, if you ever need anything I'm just a phone call or text away don't forget it. I'll always be here for you." A smile grew upon his lips, "I'll miss you soo much, I love you kid."

I smiled up at him, "I love you too Tony." I hugged him again and kissed his cheek, "Don't leave too many broken hearts out there okay?" He chuckled, "I'll try."

I walked over to Vic who was talking to Jaime. I tapped his shoulder, he turned to face me.

"Sooo Mr. Victor this is it." He looked at me his eyes rimming with tears, "Vic wh-what's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around him as he did to me and gave him a huge hug. He held me against him but it was different. It wasn't the same friendship hug it felt weird.

I let go of him, "Vic I'm gonna miss you terribly you were like a brother to me be good okay." His eyes looked hurt, "I'm gonna miss you so much Evelin you don't even get it." I stared down, "I know Vic but we can always talk or text over the phone," I smiled.

"You don't get it, I can't leave..." he sighed "...I can't leave with out saying I lo-"

"Final call for New York," the voice over the intercom interrupted. I looked back at Vic, "What was it you were going to say?" His head hung low, "Um nothing just forget it I need to go." I gave him one last weak hug as he walked off.

That was weird why couldn't he just tell me whatever it was he was gonna say. I'm gonna need to talk to him.

"MIIIIKKE," I scram as I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me tight and kissed me forcefully but a kiss filled with love and care.

I unwrapped my legs from him. He moved his hands to the small of my back pushing our bodies as close as they could get. I snaked my hands behind his neck our foreheads touching. "Babe I love you so much and this is gonna be so hard but we have to be strong okay?" My eyes filled with tears, "Baby just promise me you won't forget me," I whispered.

"I won't, I promise to call you every chance I can, text you, Skype, everything okay. I love you." I smiled, "Okay babe be careful I love you so freaking much." I hugged him super tight not wanting to let go. He kissed me one last time before walking off.

A single tear fell from my face. I felt someone hug me it was Pervy that was when I lost it. The tears began pouring out, "You'll be okay," she said calmly as she held me close.

"I love you Mike." I whispered quietly that it was basically just a breathe.

-Vic's POV-

I'm such a freaking coward. Why didn't I just tell her I'm an idiot. But maybe it wasn't the right time. I can't help but feel guilty this was my brothers girlfriend and I had feelings for her. I'm the worst.

Her words hurt the most, "You were like a brother to me." I don't want that I want her to myself. I want her to be mine and only mine. Not Mikes, no other guy, just mine.

I'm being selfish.


This was horrible. v.v I'm sorry you guys but I just idunno :( I just really needed to get them leaving outta the way for the upcoming chapters. And don't hate me for this crappy chapter because hopefully I can make it up to you with the upcoming chappys it will get good ^.^ and since I've been working on my new story "This Love is a Lie" I have sorta neglected this one but yeah. I hope you sorta kinda maybe just like it a little :3 um bye lovelies<3

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