Chapter 3

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Hi there fellow turtles, I don't know if this chapter is gonna be long or yeah but I already have things in mind for upcoming chapters ^.^ please Vote, Comment, I REALLY NEED FEEDBACK cause what if you guys don't like my story :'( lol but yeah today's the California Metalfest ! I can't go though v.v anyways here ya go.


Chapter 3

-Evelin's POV

I didn't realize I was still playing and crying at the same time. I set down the guitar and drew my knees in to my chest, hugged them and buried my face in to them and just cried my eyes out. Since that break up I was completely broken kinda like Tony said he had been after Jessica broke up with him. I suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around me, I didn't even bother to look up I figured it was Tony.

I began to settle down, "I'm sorry. I'm a crybaby." I sniffled.

"It's okay baby girl it's okay." That voice? It was soothing and calming.

My head shot up "V-Vic, oh I'm sorry I was in here and yeah I'll just go now."

I began to get up but he held me by my wrist and pulled me in to his lap.

"No, it's okay I heard you playing then I heard you crying so I thought you needed a hug."

I looked at the ground "I'm sorry," were the only words I could say. He pulled me in closer. "Stop saying that, don't worry about it, I cry too like a little kid." I laughed a little.

"There's that smile" he tickled me. I couldn't help but laugh "No Vic, just not now please?"

"Fine, but don't be sad anymore for me?" he pouted like a little boy. "Okay, just for you." I gave him a peck on the cheek and his face lit up.

"Well we should go and help the guys set up their rooms", he grabbed my hand and took me in to Tone's new room all the guys were in there too.

"What's this man?" asked Mike they're eyes looked down at our hands which were still intertwined with each other.

"Oh uh-uh nothing." I stuttered and let go of his hand immediately. "Yeah bro she was just sad so, I tried making her feel better it's nothing" Vic said playing it cool.

Tony was fixing his stuff so he didn't pay attention but I caught Mike and Jaime glaring at us occasionally since me and Vic were messing around in Tones room. I decided to go in to my room to avoid their stares.

My room looked sorta empty and I remembered my bag in Tony's car. I went out to get it and started to take out my owl things (stuffed animals, drawings, necklaces, rings etc.) All of these things reminded me of my friends back home they knew how much I love owls and would give me little toys and things. I set them up in my room and thought to my self 'ah so much more homey.'

I laid on my bed and then, knock knock and Tony entered, he looked around "Nice room?" he said in question.

"I thought it was too blank you know I needed a bit of home in here," I said looking around.

"It looks nice, just a little weirded out by the eyes staring and looking in to your soul," he laughed.

"You'll get used to it, so ready to bring in ladies to your room?" I said laughing.

He looked down "No mensa, Eva I been thinking a lot..."

"About?" I asked in concern.

"Suhey" he paused and looked away.

"Ohh I see someone has a little crush on someone. How cute!" I teased.

"Shut up." he blushed "...but I don't know if I'm her type get me?"

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