Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-Tony's POV-

It's party time! Boo-Yah! I invited Suhey she said she'd come so I'm hoping she really does. I'm so excited, Eva needs to talk to her for me, I just wanna know if there's a chance.

"Chaaaow", I heard Eva say as she walked in my room.

"Does that mean I look nice?"

"Yes, yes it does. So is your crush coming?"

"She said she would so I'm hoping, can you find out like tonight if she might like me or something?"

"Of course man, and don't sweat it I have a feeling she does."

"Anyways, so you went from Vic to Mike I see."

She looked shocked, "Tony that sounded mean."

"Oh no I didn't mean it in a bad way just wondering." I said apologetically.

"It's Mike he's just like right for me I don't know Tony, I get like all giddy inside when I see him or hear his voice it's like when you're little and you get super excited for something he gives me chills and stuff", she had the biggest smile on her face.

"And stuff? You nasty butt," I teased.

"Ew Tony not that kinda stuff he just makes me happy."

"Well I'm glad you found someone for now if you need advice and stuff here I am kay?"

"Thanks Tony same here brother", she hugged me and walked out.

Soon I got a message from Suhey.

Suhey ;): Hey Tony, I'm heading over now.

Me: Awesome text me when you're a block away so I can meet you outside.

Suhey ;): Okay :3

I put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs to see people coming in with even more booze. This is gonna be wild.

-Evelin's POV-

Grocery shopping was not fun at all. Stupid old cuntbag. Thank the owls Mike was there he cooled me but I swear, I know I'm not a fighter but damn.

I decided to wear a simple black mini dress it had like a opening in the cleavage area so yeah you could see my cleave, some black strapped high heels, my hair straightened, eyeliner, some blush and red lipstick. 'Eh it's my party so whatever' I thought to myself.

I made my way downstairs to see how the party was going. I saw Mike on the couch drinking a beer, I grabbed one of the margarita bottles and made my way to him.

"EVA! You're finally down, and may I say you look freaking sexy", he bit his lip.

"Why thank you babe, you look pretty hot yourself", he pulled me into his lap and sat me down.

"So you made it official now huh?" he laughed.

What, what're you talking about?" I asked a little confused.

"In the store today you said I was your boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm sorry too soon?" I asked a little embarrassed.

"Heck no, I'm glad you said that defending what's yours, so we official or what?" he winked.

"Uh nooo, ask me you fool" I laughed

"Okay..." he cleared his throat, "Ms. Evelin Serrano will you be my girlfriend?"

I kissed his lips, my where they soft, he responded and kissed back.

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