Crystal's Backstory

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Crystal's background:

One Monday morning Crystal woke
up in a sweat "AAHHH!" She had a nightmare. She sat up trying to get her breath back and processed what happened she fell back on her bed mumbling curses " Holy Fucking Shit" as she wiped the sleep of her eyes and sat up once more and moved to the end of her bed where her feet dangled . Crystal put her head in her hands
trying to calm herself down.

I guess your all wondering what the fuck her nightmare was about . Well I'll tell you when Crystal was 8 her and her parents (former mafia leaders) went on a trip to the Eiffel Tower. She always loved France and loved the Eiffel Tower even more but anyways they were at the top of the Eiffel Tower and Crystal ran to the edge to see the view as her parents started walking too but they stopped in there tracks and faced the man now holding them at gun point . Crystal's mother turned her head towards Crystal with tears threatening to show and said " Crystal honey do you want to play a game with mommy ?" Crystal simply nodded her head biting her index finger as she does this to try and stop herself from crying ( I do that to ) " Ok honey what I need you to do is close your eye , put your hands over your ears and count to 20 for me" Crystal having no clue what is going on but scared out of her mind nodded her head again and covered her ears , closed her eyes and started counting " One ,two,three,four, five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen, fifteen-"


Crystal opened her eyes to see...

Crystal ran to her parents lifeless bodies which were now laying in a pool of their mixed blood. As Crystal kneeled by her parents her clothes got covered in their blood  but she didn't care .She kept trying to wake them up grabbing them both by the arm and roughly shaking them "MUMMY , DADDY PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME . I NEED YOU PLEASE"
But they didn't wake up they just lay there eyes closed,bodies cold

She stayed with her aunt and two cousins after that but she didn't feel like a burden whenever she got in a fight with her parents she called her aunt to rant and she always listened to her no matter where she was . And she had an amazing relationship with her cousins one being 2 months younger then her and her other cousin who was 2 and her aunts Husband who felt like a second dad to her .

But that was 20 yeas ago but the memories still haunt her to this day.

She's now 28

Yeah she's been through some shit . And as the daughter of the McAdams she became leader . A ruthless, heartless, badass leader. But she still gets those nightmares and she can still head the gunshot in her mind.

Hi it's Katie and this was my first chapter of my first story please give me feedback any is amazing even critical just please tell me what you think thx love you all

Word count : 540

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