More than he seems

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Home as Aizawa had described wasn't actually very far. Home was quite literally further down the road from UA, meaning if he so pleased he could theoretically escape to see his friends.

When Aizawa said home, Midoriya wasn't quite sure what he meant. Thinking along the lines of a nice apartment one would think. No. Aizawa had a whole ass house! There's a yard and backyard and everything.

They rounded the corner a block down from heights alliance. Meaning this was how he'd busted him and Bakugou's ass so fast, he lives down the street!
His dog brain was running rampant at this point, being in the car and wanting to stick his head out but now this... this yard was so lush and just really needed to be sniffed.

Damn, was all the yips and excitement drilling into his poor teachers annoyance. He even dragged a hand down his face.

Yamada pulls the car into the driveway and just before Aizawa can open Midoriya's door an let him run into their heavenly yard, the front door opens.

Togata and Eri on his hip open the door, Midoriya literally falls out of the car, limbs flying in the air and him whining. He just was so caught off guard seeing Eri so... so normal! Oh, he could just explode right now with how proud he was.

Aizawa represses the urge to laugh at his student stumble onto the pavement.

"Nice green dog." Togata supplies as him and Eri come closer. "Nedzu already briefed me."

"He's new at the whole dog thing, his classmates have dubbed him 'Sparky' as he apparently glowed green while I was gone."

Togata puts Eri down after began to wiggle a bit. She runs into Yamada's leg, giving it a hug. "Papa." She starts unsure of her question, Yamada urges her to continue. "Is that really Deku?"

He kneels down to her and pats her head. "Yes hun, he ran into someone the other night and is stuck like this after their quirk was used. Don't worry though, eventually it should wear off."

That seemed to reassure her. But still, she's never seen a dog before or pet one, let alone that big. But maybe it's because Deku is so strong.

She looks up to one of her dads who're both talking to Lemillion about something, she supposes it's about how her and Lemillion's day was. He's always so caring.

They bid their farewells as Togata walks back to the dorms. Just in time to look at Midoriya absolutely having a heyday in the yard.

The green tinted dog is prancing around, rolling in the grass and sniffing the living shit outa it.

"He's silly." Eri says and Aizawa just can't hold it in any longer and starts cracking up because who wouldn't. That is silly. He turns to his husband who is also giggling while holding his phone taking pictures.

Aizawa wipes a tear away. Good shit right here.
"Come on, Problem child! We're going in." He calls.

His kid doesn't respond with those witty ear flicks and grunts. It takes him a moment to realize that he's stuck, like what happened before.

He ushered his family inside saying he'll meet them inside.

Man, is it like wrangling in a wild horse, each time he goes to snag his collar it's like he's just out of reach. Damn dog, Aizawa can hear himself saying. This is a workout.

Finally after ten minutes of running around does Midoriya snap out of it. Back is the sparks in his eyes and those witty ear flicks. He's dripping in sweat from running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

"It's not your fault... it's just sweat."

A whimper.

"It's the quirk we know next to nothing about, come on, let's go in."

Midoriya's panting behind him just as Aizawa remembers critical information.

"I have cats."

Problem child looks at him like he's stupid. He barks in what Aizawa can only assume is "I'll be good".

Aizawa wants to bang his head the wall. He forgot about his other babies, Peach and Pepper. Ugh.

They go inside and Midoriya's damn nails click on the wood flooring. Aizawa knows he's not gonna see the cats in like a month. He'll get the nasty treatment for bringing home a whole dog.

Yamada and Eri are preparing a late lunch and Aizawa once again remembers his new dog is probably starving. Would he be able to eat human food still? Or would he have to make the switch, they'll have to get a quirk consoler involved. He wouldn't know what to do and he still doesn't know what to do.

He leaves Midoriya in the living room— whom is sniffing every aspect of it. Aizawa, now in the kitchen touches Yamada's shoulder.

"What do we give him for food?"

Yamada thinks for a moment. "Ya' know that's a good question, Sho. We could just try regular food for now and if he reacts them we'll just have to get him the appropriate food."

Yamada and Eri had been making sandwiches for everyone with of course a side of apple slices. Eri loves apples.

"We'll just give him this"— he gestures to the bowl he made up for Midoriya. "Hopefully it works out."

Aizawa calls Midoriya over to the kitchen. "Hey, ready to eat?"

There's a small bark in response followed by those nails on his soon to be ruined wood flooring. The boy turned dog sits nicely waiting for his human food.

"We gave you regular food because we aren't sure what to actually give you." Aizawa sets the bowl down. "Hopefully it sits right with you and we don't have to go the unpleasant way."

Midoriya is already tearing into his sandwich, chomping and smacking. The apple slices are next, same quick eating noises and then he's licking the bowl.
He yawns and moves to lay down next to their table, going to take a nap? Aizawa can only guess.

They finish up their lunches, clean up and Eri is off to the little learning room that her dads set up.

The house is quite. That's when the cats decide  to come out. They notice him almost immediately and it's a game of who can be the bravest.

Pepper decides she's the brave one and paws at the big huskies nose. He sniffs in response but doesn't wake. Peaches comes over and sniffs his foot? Aizawa doesn't even know why.

Pepper says she's done waiting around and smacks him on the head. Midoriya's head snaps up from his sleeping form looking around confused.
Aizawa stifles a laugh because who couldn't not laugh at that exchange.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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