Lonely Road

790 51 15

The concept of time is quite a hard one to understand when you've been walking around your schools campus for enough time that the sun has fully risen and become oh so very hot.

Midoriya was thirsty, overheated, hungry and tired. Despite winter coming in a month or so, the heat was over bearing, his coat is thick and overly hot. His paw pads burned from continuous walking on pavement, he needed to at least find water somewhere.

Taking a leave from his constant walking around the campus gates, does he really feel the strain he's put onto his new form.

Tongue lolling out of his open maw, panting loudly and desperately trying to cool himself down. He's on the streets, wandering, and in dire search for water.

Coming across a puddle of who knows what has been living in there. He gets a good look at his reflection, he looks like a young husky, just shy of 1 year old, emerald eyes matching his bracken colored fur. A dusty green covers the top of his snout and around an above his eyes, much like a crown. The dusty green moves to his ears, noticing his has one floppy ear.

He laps at the puddle eagerly. Faintly tasting dirt, but pushes that thought away.

Next on his list was food.

His maw formed into a grin, though it looked more like he was snarling.

Turning his body back towards the direction of U.A. campus, his tail gave a strong wag. If he was still human and saw a hungry dog he'd give it some food.

Oh man. Oh man oh man. Aizawa was freaking out, his problem child turned dog was fucking missing. Nedzu is going to skin him if he catches wind of this crap.

The plan originally was to notify him of the issue the next morning but the damn brat was missing and now the new one is to find him. We know absolutely nothing about the quirk that's hit Midoriya, any side effects or lasting effects.

"I'll be even more dead." He sighs, beginning to feel the effects of a bigger headache forming.

Moving his pace to outside the dorms to search elsewhere. Keeping mostly calm enough not to alert his students of the situation.


It was hot. His furred body is scorching, the dog part of his brain shouting for more puddle water. That's a stupid unsanitary idea.

The young husky makes his way back to the gates of UA high school, he could easily just waltz on in but he was hungry so gathering attention immediately was the idea.

Although the concept of time was lost to him so knowing if it was lunch or not was a long shot or it being a free period.

He let out a whine. This was frustrating, he was being to lose almost everything that was human about him... like before this stupid transformation and he didn't have sensory overload attacks.

His nose could smell for miles and he could hear almost everything. It was certainly cool in its own way but this was not his body nor his mind anymore.

Padding through the gates he half expected something to sound. Many prior villain attacks would cause such muscle memory to that noise of something or someone that didn't belong.

There were many birds out and wildlife doing their things, like minding their own business. Unlike what he was planning on doing, canine instincts taking over and eye sight narrowing in on a couple birds pecking the ground, off he went.

A thought of being fast was pushed to the back of his mind, growl barking and jumping up to catch the bird. A spectacle if you're a fan of nature and it's meaningful killings.

He was aware that he'd caught the bird, aware that he's ripping it to shreds, feathers blowing about in the quick breeze that comes by, the snarling that erupts from his throat. Shaking it's lifeless body around in some sort of dominance.

This was natural a thought pushes through. A more logical one states that it's not because your human not some animal.

It isn't until there's blood on his tongue does he gain control back. Violently yanking his head away from the crime scene he's created in the walkway. Bile builds in this throat threatening to show it's ugly face, it does.
His human brain struggling to comprehend his– no. The quirk he was hit by's actions.

The husky shakes his body violently, almost seething on the ground. He needs help not fucking food. "This isn't me!" He tries to yell but to no avail only comes out in harsh barks.

He needs to get to someone of importance and who has knowledge of many quirks. He thinks briefly All Might, but what would he do? What can he do?

If he could find anyone of his teachers that'd be great. Taking one longing glance at the bird he makes a break for it, stomach rumbling as he leaves. Someone will find that and be confused he thinks but he can't bring himself to dispose of it, fearing he'll finish his "meal".

The taste of copper burns into his tongue it's disgusting one part thinks, the other... not so much. Pushing on one of the double doors to get inside there's a lot more smells than what he was exposed to outside.

Lots of people, some are familiar some he has never smelt before. His nails click against the glossed floor 'wonder if I've alerted anyone.' His curled tail hangs low, he's never been in this building before. His body automatically conforms to that of what his mind is thinking 'new place must lay low.'

He appears like he's sulking instead of stalking.

His paw pads are most definitely burnt, the cool flooring is rewarding but a grim reminder of his current predicament.

His body suddenly stops even though he tries to will it to move. He's not in full control again. He wonders if today Is a free day or teacher work day. It's quite.

Ears swiveling to the sound of talking coming from around the corner, the area he's in seems like it connects to teachers lounge of some sort. His body is weary and not so accepting of wanting to confront new voices.

The husky shakes his head violently like trying to rid water. That's the only thing that seems to work when trying to gain back full control of this new body that isn't his.

Moving closer to the door of the mystery room, these noises don't sound like his friends or anyone his age. He assumes teachers and his tail begins to wag. They can help him!

Emerald eyes eye the door handle, this'll be an easy one it's a regular handle! Jumping on his hind legs he pushes he front paws down to open the door. He yips when it instead slams open and he comes crashing down with it.

Limbs splayed across the floor in a haphazard way. The thought of having to control several legs resurfaces and panic sets in. He probably looks brain dead squirming on the ground trying to stand.

"You seem to always find me in the most interesting of ways kid."

He stops screaming at his legs to move to shocked that he'd actually found someone who could help even if it wasn't very graceful. Lifting his heavy head his maw opening in what seemed to be a smile. It was his teacher! Aizawa!  "You'll never guess what happened to me because I sure can't tell you! Wait– how'd you know it was me?" Barking a lot of barking.

The man closes his phone with whom ever he was talking to. Aizawa squats down next to him, "I found you outside last night passed out on the walkway, you've gone and got yourself hit by some quirk... unfortunately it seems you can't speak nor control your body. How you got here baffles me but enough of that, I've had the pleasure of notifying Nedzu of your situation he'd like a word with you." He stands back up only to fix Midoriya back on his paws.

"Since he himself is an animal with an intelligence quirk, I can only assume that's why you've walked your self in these hallways." He heaves a heavy sigh "come on, let's go."

Midoriya is too shocked to even try to process anything, he's probably going to pass out later, his body is quite tired after all that happened from this morning.
He moves to follow with sea legs in tow.

Whining again for whatever the amount that day. He wants this to be over soon so he can get back to being a hero in training and actually communicate.

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