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Yuri pushed back a strand of her black hair and readjusted the heavy tray full of food she was carrying and thought to herself

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Yuri pushed back a strand of her black hair and readjusted the heavy tray full of food she was carrying and thought to herself.
Don't mess up

She took a look around at the place. People being seated and laughter everywhere. The air smelled of hamburgers and onion rings making her stomach growl. She hadn't ate lunch yet, it was almost her break anyway. Thalia one of the workers at the place and also one of her best friends always had lunch together for their break.

It was nearing dinner time and it got the fullest at that time. Yuri needed to wait until then, because by the time the dinner shift came around, she was already gone home. Yuri only worked for breakfast and lunch since she also was a busy student studying at a  school in Daegu. Good thing it was summer still. During the summer it was still busy but Yuri didn't have school to weigh her down.

Usually when Yuri was in school she would managed both her work and school at the same time. It was Thalia actually who found her the job here. Yuri had been forever thankful for her friend. Thalia was the kind of friend that Yuri found going to all her troubles with, but also she was the kind of friend that would set her up with people. Typical

The only thing yuri hated about working at this place was she always ended up getting rude customers. Last week a customer yelled at her for not making the burger medium well. Technically, that wasn't her fault since she didn't make the burger. The other time a customer got mad because she told them that they would have to wait for ten more minutes for their food.

Incidents like those made Yuri upset. Most of the times it wasn't her fault. Thalia often would help her out by either waiting the table or giving her another table.

Yuri though needed this job. Her dad told her if she got a job, he would allow her to get the camera she had always been wanting. Yes! The camera Yuri has been wanting was the new Leica M6 rangefinder film camera. It was the camera Yuri couldn't wait to have.

First, she had to work for it, and maybe deliver the food in her hands. Yuri began to move and delivered the food to the table. She came back and leaned on the counter watching her table just in case they needed something. Also it was a rule where you couldn't leave until your table was done.

Yuri sighed and spaced off. I really hope I can get that camera
Yeah. That's the only thing she was thinking about until Thalia scared the shit out of her.

"Hey Girl!"

Yuri jumped and almost punched her. Thalia though blocked it, and started laughing at the look on her friends face.
"It's not funny!" Whined Yuri. Thalia just kept on laughing, clutching her stomach and holding to the edge of the counter for support.
"Why did you do that?!"
Thalia shrugged.
Yuri rolled her eyes and shook her head at her friend.
"You should have seen your face girl!" Thalia said chuckling.
Yuri smiled and looked at her table again. Still not done Yuri looked back at Thalia who also stood next to her and was watching her table.
"Hey Yuri, how is your dad doing?"
Yuri looked away and but her bottom lip. Thalia looked at her and set a hand on her shoulders. "Is he fine?" Yuri nodded slowly.

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