6 - Making Faces

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For once the silence wasn't awkward. Jackson and I stared at each other in the trailer, as if analyzing the other car.
"Your eyes are more beautiful than I remember." Jackson finally said. "I didn't notice them before but you have specks of purple in the aquamarine."
I felt myself blushing. "Looks like your flirting hasn't changed."
"It was just a compliment." He shrugged. "Did you do something with your side view mirrors?"
"I polished them a few days ago." I mumbled. "You're flustering me, Storm."
"I know." Jackson smirked.
"That was sarcasm." I didn't look amused now.
"Was it? You know, I really can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Your expressions aren't very clear." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes yet again. "Really? Let's play 'Guess my Expression' game. You guess my expression and I guess yours."
"Fine. I've got nothing better to do." Jackson would usually sleep on long trips like these.
I made a face that looked like this 😒
"Oh, uh, exasperated. Or, 'I'm so done with you, Storm', cause I get that a lot from you." The car opposite of me guessed.
"Sadly you are correct." I did look done with him.
"Hey, now it's my turn." Jackson made a face 🤔
"Oh, you're thinking about something. Maybe: 'If I get Carol some cherry parfaits, she'd stop being annoying'."
"Bingo." This went on for a few hours.
Finally, we both ended up doing the 🥺 at each other and I swore a blush formed on Jackson's face.
"Okay, you two lovebirds." Jackson's truck, Alex, said, "We're heading up to Thomasville."

"Well..." Jackson said softly. "I guess we're gonna be rivals now." He almost looked disappointed.
"At least while we are racing against each other." I offered.
He looked surprised at me. "Are you saying--"
"I'm not saying I want to get back together again. But I am willing to give you another chance." I elaborated.
"Really?" Now Jackson looked hopeful. "But--Mr. The King--"
"He doesn't have to know." I smirked.
"I guess you're right. As long as we keep our rivalry on the track--"
"Then nobody can tell." I nodded. "Smart boy."
His smug expression came. "Thanks. I am--ahem, naturally smart."
"Not really." I hesitated before nuzzling into him.
Jackson blushed and nuzzled back. Most people considered him a bully and a jerk. But the ones who knew him best just knew him as a big softy.
"Thomasville in 15 minutes." Alex warned. "Back off you oil-thirsty parasprites." He growled and we could only tell he was trying to get through the press.

I laughed softly.
"So...if I win, you owe me a date." Storm murmured.
"And if I win, you buy me cherry parfaits for two years." I muttered back, my eyes closed in content.
"Two years?" Jackson laughed. "Alright, deal."
"Hey, boss. We're here." Alex told us.
"Thanks, Alex." the black and purple car sighed. "You should get out first, Carol." He said quietly.
They had fixed my flat tire on the drive.
"You're right." I looked embarrassed before I kissed his cheek. "Good luck, Stormy."
"You as well." Jackson blushed.

I backed out of number 20's trailer to the press's surprise. Almost instantly, the press crowded me.
"Weathers, where have you been?" One asked.
"Why did you pull out of Jackson Storm's trailer?" Another asked.
"Did he kidnap you?"
"Were you conspiring with Storm to sabotage Swift?"
"No comment." I drove off to the Dinoco crew where my family looked half relieved and half furious.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cal asked, looking worried. "When your trailer pulled up, we got scared so bad something could've happened to you."
"Uh...I hitched a ride with Storm." I replied casually. "I got a flat while trying to get here and his truck stopped to get me."

"I'm just glad you're in one piece, kid." Uncle Strip said softly, nudging me gently. "Your Aunt Lynda almost had an engine failure thanks to that."
"Aunt Lynda? Oh gosh—" I gasped going to see her. "I'm so sorry!" I apologized quickly.

"Don't apologize, baby girl." Lynda smiled at me softly. "It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad young Lightning had the right idea to send someone after you and alert Storm where you were."
So that was the true story. It seemed my godfather McQueen shipped me and Storm that much.

"Racers to the starting line! Racers to the starting line!" The announcer said.
I nodded at my family before I drove off.
"Good luck, Weathers."

The New Generation of Racers - Carol WeathersWhere stories live. Discover now