8- Tex's Contract

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A/N: I apologize for all my readers about this! I've been so busy with life right now, starting college and all that. I hope you all understand and I'll try to continue updating my fanfics as quick as possible! Now, let's go racing!

"I can't believe it." I muttered as I pulled up to greet my pit crew after the race. "A tie? With Storm? What do I even do in this situation?"

"Hey, Carol. That was some racin' out there." Uncle Strip said to me with a smile. "Pity Storm couldn't lose a few miles."

"Hey, Uncle Strip. I guess I'm just not fast enough yet." I shrugged. "We've got a week till the next race. I'm gonna be hitting the track day in and day out until I'm faster than Storm."

"Hey...Carol." Jackson pulled up next to me. "You did well. You definitely improved from the last time we raced." He said with a smug look. "That's sayin' somethin'. Oh—a picture? Yeah, sure. Let's get one." He waved his tire in my direction as the paparazzi swarmed us. "Listen, Carol here has been one of my biggest fans since we were kids. I couldn't have asked for a better racing buddy." He said to the cameras.

"Is this true, Ms. Weathers? The last time you two raced we saw some unfriendly competition on the track." One of the reporters asked me.

"Well, you know, Storm and I aren't exactly best buddies as he says, but things happen and...friendships die out." I answered. "That makes it a lot more difficult to focus on the race if you have someone who used to be friends with you spewing insults and threats at you."

Jackson looked offended. "Hey, now. That's not what I said and you know it. Carol is just mad because she lost." He said with a fake laugh and all the other paparazzi chuckled too.

I made a face at Jackson and sped off to speak with my family. "Boys." I muttered under my breath and a familiar yellow car pulled up next to me.

"You complainin' about Storm again?" Tex asked me with a smile. "He's got it for you I'd say."

"Oh hey, Mr. Tex. Didn't see you while I was racing. Where was my sponsor when I needed him?" I teased the Texan car.

"I was just settlin' some business with your folks. Extendin' your contract as our race car and what not." Tex answered. "Even though they weren't pleased with it, they still agreed."

"Wait...you guys don't like me racing?" I asked my aunt, uncle, and brother who all looked away.

"Carol, ever since...that crash when you were younger, we thought that if you crashed like that again, you wouldn't make it." Strip sighed. "You're a exotic car—you aren't meant to be sturdy like an old box corvette like McQueen or a Plymouth Superbird like me." He said softly. "You're very delicate and...we'd hate to see you crash."

"I won't crash. I promise, Uncle. I've got one more race and if I win that, I continue racing. If I don't, I'll stop." I said. "How's that?"

"Her contract does stop next year." Tex added. "Though ever since Cal left Dinoco, we've been seein' a great improvement since Cruz Rameriz and Carol."

"I'm right here, guys." Cal said with irritation, giving Tex an annoyed look.

"Thanks, Tex. I can assure you once I win next race, you can extend that contract." I said to Tex. "That's a promise."

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