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"You all done, buddy?" Dean asked once Jack had finished chugging down the rest of his apple juice.

"Mhm." Jack tilted his empty bowl to prove it and Dean smiled at him.

"Good. Go get your shoes on so we can get going." Dean jerked his head and Jack jumped out of his seat, running to follow directions.

"Where are you going?" Cas asked from across the table. He and Meg had been in deep conversation about whatever show they were watching. Something with doctors and a soap drama type plot. Dean couldn't keep up if he tried.

For the first time in two years, when Dean looks into his husbands eyes, they aren't half dead. They aren't looking through him. He struggled to keep eye contact, so he didn't try. He focused on gathering his and Jack's empty bowls and taking them to the sink to soak.

"To Sam's. Would you like to come with us?" He offered, trying not to sound as desperate as he felt.

"Um, no, not tonight." Dean turned back around, worrying his bottom lip as his nails dug into the underside of the counter.

"Are you sure? You haven't seen Amy in quite awhile," he said. Some of the cold darkness returned to Castiel's eyes, his face flickering, like he was stuck between his Meg induced happiness and his old haunted darkness.

"No, I, uh, I don't feel like going out tonight," he said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Okay. Maybe we can do something tomorrow?" Dean asked.

"Maybe." Cas didn't look at him when he answered so Dean took it as a no. He nodded his head and pushed away from the counter.

"I'm ready, daddy," Jack said, bouncing into the kitchen with his backpack full of toys and his shoes on the wrong feet. He looked towards Castiel and opened his mouth hesitantly. "Are you coming with us, papa?" He asked, shoulders tensed.

"Not tonight, but you have fun, honeybee." Castiel gave the boy a soft smile, and Jack's face opened with partial shock and partial joy. He ran to his father and gave him a loud kiss to the cheek. Dean looked away, his throat tight with emotion.

"Can we watch a movie later? Daddy bought sugar popcorn," Jack smiled.

"Yes, we will all watch a movie later." Castiel returned his smile and Dean just about fell to his knees.

"Come on, buddy." Dean gathered his keys and wallet from the counter and headed out of the kitchen. He paused in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder at his husband. "I'll see you later?" He can't breathe through the uncertainty in his voice.

"Of course." Castiel tilted his head like the question was absurd. "Drive safe, I love you." Dean froze, Jack's little hand in his, Dean's heart in his stomach.

"I love you." Dean tilted his head into the kiss, stealing one more before Cas pulled away fully with a soft laugh.

"I love you too," Dean replied, smacking Castiel's ass as he turned to walk away. Cas threw an unheated glare over his shoulder as he walked out to meet Miranda at the car.

Dean stared at Castiel long enough for the silence to turn awkward. He cleared his throat when he realized everyone was staring at him.

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