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Dean woke with a start, his heart racing and his forehead clammy with sweat. He looks around, trying to figure out what woke him, but all he sees is darkness and the opening title to Frozen 2.

A banging on the door makes him flinch. He slides off of the couch, dragging a hand down his face as he shuffles over to the front door. He peers through the peephole and his jaw clenched.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," he sighs as he unbolted the locks and swings the door open.

"Hi, honey," cas smiled, his head tilted and his eyes drooping.

"Hi, honey," Meg repeated, making deans jaw clenched a little harder.

"These two were arrested for public intoxication and invading private property, no charges are being pressed so I was just bringing them home safely," the officer explained, looking as tired as Dean felt.

"Thank you officer, I'm so sorry," he apologized for the both of them as he grabbed Cas' wrist and tugged him inside. Meg turned to the officer, gave him a salacious grin and a wink before sauntering inside.

"Take it easy," the office waved his goodbye before starting back to his car.

"What is wrong with you two? Where the hell were you?" Dean asked as he shut and locked the door again.

"We just wanted to play on some swings, it wasn't like the gate was locked!" Meg giggled.

"Please tell me you two didn't break into a fucking school," Dean pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The gate was unlocked!" Cas defended, making Meg giggle a little louder. Dean turned to go back to bed and leave Cas and Meg at the door, but as soon as he turned, he saw Jack staring at them from the bottom on the stairs. Dean really hopes he didn't see the officer but by the look on his face, he's not betting on it.

"Hello, honeybee!" Cas greeted chirpily, stepping forward with his hands outstretched for Jack. The boy backed away, closing his body down.

"Jack, don't be rude, hug your dad," Meg said, leaning heavily against the wall.

"Don't talk to my son like that," Dean bit, not daring to look at her in fear that he might kill her with his eyes.

"Hey, be nice," Cas chided. Dean thought for a second that he was talking to Meg, but Cas' eyes were fixed on him. Deans eyebrows drew down and a few stones settled heavily in his gut.

"Be nice? Trust me, I'm being as nice as humanly possible," he said.

"Yeah, sure," Meg snickered behind him.

"Meg, I swear, you keep your opinions to yourself or you can find a hotel room to sleep in tonight," Dean warned.

"Hey, Meg is just trying to protect me," Cas defended.

"From who, Cas? From me? Because me and Jack are the only other ones here. So, what exactly is she protecting you from?" Dean asked, his lips trembling as he held back tears.

"Maybe I am protecting him from you," Meg said, pushing off of the wall to stand between Cas and Dean. "Maybe he needs protection from you. All you've done is isolate him from his son, throw Amy in his face, and leave him alone to sulk in his depression."

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