Chapter I

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                                                                                   Order Matters

                                                                                         Chapter I

                                                                         It started with an angel

It was a pleasant afternoon in heaven, the roses in the gardens blossomed, the doves and pigeons were singing, and it was a relatively pleasant temperature outside. Ku was sitting in a class where a lecture on greek mythology was taking place. Their teacher Mr. Renaud, was the one teaching this lecture. Suddenly a female angel with silver glasses and brown hair came in. She looked to be at least 40 in human years and her hair was starting to go gray, she was one of the desk attendants, "Pardon me for interrupting your lecture Mr. Renaud but Gabriel asked for Kulo" Ku cringed, Kulo was their formal name, a name given to baby angels at birth, usually angels don't use this name and instead use a shortened name, Ku's shortened formal name was ko, but Ku prefers being called well, Ku because it makes the most sense. After all, Kulo did start with a Ku so why not just take away the l and the o, and there you have it, Ku. "Oh not at all," said Mr. Renaud "well Ku, go along"

Ku stood up from their seat and dragged their feet over to the woman, she smiled "right this way Kulo" Ku winced "Please Mrs, do me the trouble and call me Ku, Kulo is my formal name" "Ah, of course, child, Ku it is".

The two of them walked down the hallway in awkward silence, the hallways of the school were all facing The Garden, which was a magnificent grand garden with pools, flower beds, and fountains. One of the most luxurious gardens in all of Heaven itself. Where the hallway faced The Garden was empty, No walls, no doors, no nothing. Just plain opening to The Garden. There were pillars all neatly in a row but besides that, there was just The Garden. Ku and the desk angel passed door after door of classrooms and eventually, they went through a door then a hallway then another door then another hallway until they made it to a final big marble door with the engravings on the top that say "Archangel Gabriel's office" "Well then my child, your on your own now" said the desk angel. She then promptly turned around and left, abandoning Ku to their own devices. Ku watched over their shoulder to see her walk further and further away until she made a turn and disappeared.

Ku turned to the door and opened it a crack and peered in, inside was a marble desk, a fireplace, and a lavish white leather couch. Gabriel was sitting at his desk wearing a clean fresh white suit and was, by the looks of it, he was frustrated, he was angrily scribbling down on a piece of paper with his beautiful feather pen. He was muttering things like "damn paperwork" and "Argh! why is it so hard to submit papers down there these days!" "Gabe?" Questioned Ku peeking behind the door Gabriel glanced up to look at Ku and seemed to calm himself "Yes, yes, Ku, sit down my child I need to tell you something just wait a bit, this paperwork won't be complete itself you know" Ku went inside the room gently closing the door behind themself. They walked over to Gabriel's desk and sat on a leather chair across from his desk. After waiting 5 minutes for Gabriel to finish Gabriel glances at Ku and sees how bored they are so he reaches under his desk and grabs a bible then places it in front of Ku "Here, I'll take a while so read this" "Oh Uhm, Gabriel I've em" Ku stumbles on their words, trying not to be rude and find a polite way of telling Gabriel that they have read the Bible countess of times in school. "Oh, right, right I understand, you've read this before" Gabriel takes back the Bible and reaches under his desk looking for another book then finds a book titled "Aesop's Fables" he puts the book in front of Ku then switches from a piece of paper to a typewriter.

Ku picks up the book and studies its tidal, "Aesop's Fables, Aesop's Fables, Aesop's Fables," mutters Ku trying to remember the name. The name was very familiar to them, they heard someone somewhere talk about it but they just couldn't put their finger on it. "Ohh! That's it" Ku mutters, finally they found the answer. Ku's teacher, Mr. Renaud mentioned the title of the book in one of his lectures. For the 13 thousand years that Ku lived, he never read this book before, surprisingly. Ku is 13,000 years old but his body in human years is around 18 to 19, that's how angels use age. They convert the years they lived using a method called angel years to predict how old the angel is alongside just doing an examination of the body. The conversion and the examination should bring up the estimated age of an angel.

Ku only managed to read five pages before Gabriel leaned back in his chair and stretched out his arms "All right my child, I'm finished, let's go and eat lunch like I said I need to tell you something important".

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