Chapter IV

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                                                                                  Order Matters

                                                                                     Chapter IV

                                                                                      He Came

"Wait what?" Fen said, he was confused, Ku continued "Yesterday Gabriel pulled me away from class to tell me that scholars from hell are coming and I need to show one of them around the school and help make his experience better, well something along the lines of that'' Fen lifted one eyebrow and took another bite of his bagel, with a full mouth he asked, "Do you know when they're arriving?" "Yes, on Friday, '' Ku answered. Fen swallowed his food, "You're just going to help the students around the school, Right?" Fen asked, his voice was shaking like he was trying to hide something. Fen deep down inside didn't want Ku to befriend this new demon student. It wasn't like Fen was against Demons it was more of the matter that Ku and Fen were so happy with just the two of them and Fen didn't want to share his best friend with anyone else, Ku was like a brother to Fen and he knew how childish it was to cling on to someone but Fen just couldn't share Ku, it was impossible.

"That's what I'm hoping" Ku replied, Fen sighed in relief. "You know how I am with new people, I don't have anything against demons, it's just that I'm not too good around strangers".

It was Monday Ku woke up, combed their hair, and put on their toga. Under strict instructions by Father and Gabriel, they were to go to Gabriel's office immediately after they woke up and got dressed.

Ku left their dorm and headed straight towards Gabriel's office. Ku passed the classrooms, the cafe, the Garden where the football players play, and they went down a hallway then took a turn to finally make it to Gabriel's office. Ku opened the large marble doors to Gabriel's office and stepped inside, carefully closing the door behind themselves to not make noise, which usually happened if some unsuspecting scholar didn't close Gabriel's large marble door carefully.

Inside, Gabriel was sitting on his white leather couch and reading a book, the title, Iliad. Gabriel Looked up from his book and smiled, he looked very pleased that Ku had come. Gabriel stood up from the couch and rested the book on it. You see Ku, "I have a surprise for you" Ku's eyes widened and they gleefully smiled, Ku rarely got gifts or surprises from Gabriel so this was a huge mystery. Gabriel walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. From inside he pulled out something shiny. To Ku's disbelief, it was a golden Phyllanthus crown. It called out to Ku with its enchanting elegance. The crown was handsome and charming, graceful and attractive. Ku's eyes widened more, ever since they were an angel child they had wanted one and now, finally, they had gotten one. Gabriel gave the crown to Ku which in response, immediately fashioned it on their head. Ku's smile widened, "Thank you so much, Gabriel! I will treasure this forever! I will wear this every day in thanks and take good care of it, thank you!" Ku rejoiced. Ku looked into a mirror that hung on the office wall. The crown was so charming and delightful to Ku. Ku smiled in the mirror and played with their crown. They felt like a warrior or a nobleman. Gabriel smiled "This is a thank you gift my child. For offering your time for this new student"

Suddenly there was a knocking on the door, "Come in" Gabriel said and the door opened. Father stepped into the room, He had long white braided hair, a large build, a combed white beard, and he was wearing a white suit. "Ah, hello Gabriel, Hello Ku" He smiled and walked over to Ku, his feet struck the ground fearlessly yet elegantly, his posture was professional and serious. He was taller than Ku and Gabriel, of course, he was taller than Ku, Ku was always known as "the runt" because they were smaller and more petite than the other angels, to be exact, Ku was 4'11. In fact, as a child, the boys playing games would never invite them to be on their teams because he would surely make them loose.

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