Chapter II

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                                                                                  Order Matters

                                                                                      Chapter II


Gabriel and Ku were walking down the hallway in the school to make it to the cafe. The school that Ku attended was called The Angel Academia for young prosperous angels and it also served as an office building for angels with important jobs like Gabriel. Ku and Gabriel were happily walking together until they heard someone screaming "WAIT WATCH OUT! IT'S HEADING YOUR WAY!'' Then just like that, Ku got slapped in the face by a football. Ku wasn't pleased that they got smacked in the face with a football but Gabriel was furious because he is one of Ku's primary caretakers which means he's practically one of Ku's parents. And if your child got smacked in the face by a football wouldn't you be offended? "HEY WATCH IT!" Gabriel furiously screamed "I TOLD YOU KIDS YESTERDAY TO BE MORE CAREFUL BECAUSE YOU WERE GOING TO HIT SOMEONE AND LOOK AT YOU NOW! I'M TELLING YOUR PRINCIPAL AND SHE'S NOT GONNA BE HAPPY'' Ku sank, Gabriel was very protective, and sometimes he could be upright embarrassing "No need Gabriel, it didn't even hurt much" Ku picked up the football and tossed it to the shocked looking players in The Garden. "Thank you, and I, I mean we, are so sorry for that," said one of the players.

The rest of Gabriel and Ku's walk to the cafe consisted of Gabriel furiously ranting to Ku about how much trouble the players would be in and Ku trying to talk Gabriel down from getting them into trouble, after all, it was a simple mistake.

Eventually, the two of them entered the lush cafe and sat down at one of the many rows of tables. "Hello!" said a young server angel. "What would you two like to order?" "Oh I'll have the caesar salad," said Gabriel, "and a cup of coffee" "Of course sir! And you?" The server angel turned to Ku, "I'll have the fruit cake" Ku replied whilst looking down at their menu on the table, Ku was shy and didn't want to make direct eye contact with people they didn't know, "Sure thing! I'll have those out in a few minutes!" the angel announced and then walked off.

"So Ku, the thing I've been meaning to talk to you about is, well. Ever since Hell and Heaven you know made up and became equals after the war on earth I've been working to find a way to start mingling with the demons." Gabriel started to look serious, he clasped his hands together on the table and made eye contact with Ku. Ku knew that whenever Gabriel did this he wasn't pulling a joke and he was being serious. "And ?" Ku asked. "Well," Gabriel replied, "I found a way and the way is, we will send scholars to go to hell and learn about the culture and Hell will do the same." Gabriel sighed like he was getting something off his chest "You know Ku, Hell isn't a land of sin anymore. Ever science fell to heaven in the war it became a sophisticated land where there is no sin, It's like a city underground now. It's serious and it's getting a better culture, yes it's where all sinners go but those areas are separated from where the demons live so you know it's like heaven but underground and it deals with sinners '''' Is that all?" Ku asked. "No, that's not all, the point is we are getting scholars and I don't know much about them, not even their names, all of that information about them will be given to me when they arrive and we'll host a welcoming ceremony and since they are your age, I want you to basically befriend one of them and just go around the school and help them when needed, got it?" Ku thought for a moment, this was new. Ku knew everything before the rest of the angels since Gabriel was one of their caretakers but why didn't he tell them this earlier. After a little bit of thought and the pair's food being delivered Ku spoke up, "Okay, I'll do it"

"That is brilliant my child!" Gabriel smiled, "I'm so happy you agree to this" "Wait a minute Gabriel, when are the scholars arriving?" Ku questioned, "Monday" Gabriel answered. Ku's eyes widened, it was Friday, Ku only had two days to prepare for this mystery student from hell. Would Ku be okay with this sudden change in their life? 

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