Chapter V

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                                                                                  Order Matters

                                                                                      Chapter V


Ever since Achilles was a child he had loved heaven, he loved how it looked in picture books, how an average angel could speak 5 different languages, play 5 different instruments, and had rewritten the bible at least 4 times by age 16. Unlike heaven, when Achillies was a child Hell was just making its change to be more like Heaven. Achilles came from a family of warrior demons who betrayed hell in the war to help Heaven because it was the right thing to do, of course, this made Achillies's family more beloved by Heaven and that's why he had a better chance of scoring this trip to heaven and learning about its culture. What made Achillies so excited to go on this trip was not the fact that he was going to see Heaven but the fact that if he wanted to, he could live there!

After his welcoming ceremony an old angel desk lady handed him a toga, it was black, silky, and gracious. "Excuse me, Ma'am?" Achilles asked, "Why does everyone wear togas?'' This was a question Achilles was asking ever since he passed the gates of heaven, everyone except businessmen were wearing togas or tunics. "Ah, my child," the little old woman said "It's our culture since heaven is very warm we like to wear flowing garments that won't disturb our lives'' Achilles smiled, "well thank you for the toga" Achilles was examining his toga when he started hearing faint echoes of footsteps, the footsteps got louder and he could hear the faint noises of a conversation. Achilles turned his head to see Ku, the angel instructed to help Achillies around the school, and he also saw one of the head angels who was standing behind God or as Achillies heard it, Father. This angel was called Gabriel.

Ku was walking with Gabriel to the front office of the school when they realized that Achilles was receiving a toga from the font desk angel. Gabriel walked over to Achillies and smiled, "Welcome to our school young man! We're so happy to have you in Heaven" Gabriel said whilst patting Achillies on the back a little too hard. "Thank you very much, sir" Achilles said. "Well young man I'm pretty sure that Father had introduced you to Ku, they are actually in most of your classes and if you ever need help their dorm is right next to yours! Ku's eyes widened and their face went pale. Ku had no clue that this would happen, why didn't Gabriel ask if Ku would like the new student to be in the next dorm to them? Ku was agitated, every time there's a new student at the school Gabriel or the principal always ask everyone if they're okay living next to each other. That was the policy, after all, it was a system that kept pupils from fighting with their enemies, it wasn't like angels had enemies but still. Of course, Ku knew better than to complain, in fact, when Ku thought about it it seemed like the universe wanted Ku and this new student to be friends. But Ku didn't want any more friends, they had Fen and Fen was enough for them.

"Ku, are you all right?" Gabriel asked concerned "wait what, oh yeah, I'm fine" Ku quickly gathered themself "You seemed to have gone pale and you've been still for a while" Gabriel walked towards Ku and put his hand on their shoulder, "you seem tired, maybe you should get some rest" "Oh, I'm fine Gabe" Ku reasoned. Gabriel put his hand up to his chin in a thinking posture, "here I have an idea, Ku how about you show Achillies to his dorm which is to the left of you, and then you can both talk about the academia and help Achillies settle in. Sounds good?" "Sounds fine with me," Achilles said with a smile "I suppose," Ku said putting their arms behind their back, "Perfect!" Gabriel smiles clasping his hands together "Well then I'll be in my office!" Gabriel left the school office and slowly disappeared in the distance

"Well can you show me the way to our dorms Ku?" Achilles asked still holding his toga "Yea sure, oh and quick tip, your luggage is in your room, all new students get their luggage delivered to their dorm" Ku said trying to be calm "Oh good, I was wondering where it would be, I got scared when all the front desk angel gave me was this toga" Ku smiled and started walking in the direction of the dorm hallway, Achilles tailing after.

It was around 3:00 PM when ku and Achillies made it to the dorm hall, the walk to the hall was full of Achilles and Ku exchanging questions like "is it really so hot in Hell?" Ku would ask, "not at all, in fact it's quite cold most of the time" Achillies would respond and then ask "How do you all wear togas all the time and not be bored to death of it?" "Oh well we don't always wear togas, sometimes we wear tunics and togas aren't that bad, there are plenty of ways to wear them" Ku would answer. On and on they asked questions like "Is hell really a sin pit?" and "are some angels really so snooty?" and "is there any sunlight down there?" and "Is Heaven actually made out of clouds?"

Once Ku and Achillies turned the corner only to be stopped by Fen, Fen did see Achillies at the ceremony but seeing him up close was frightening, he felt his face turn pale "Oh so Ku this is the, new student?" "Yes it is Fen, this is achilles" Ku said with a smile, it concerned Fen because he didn't was to break their official not so official rule of just the two of them "Hi" Achilles said shyly, "my dorm is to the next of Ku's" Achilles's shyness spooked but at the same time calmed Fen, maybe this "new student" wasen't so bad. "Well Hello!" Fen said with a warm welcoming grin "My name is Fen! Here have this flower crown I made!" Fen pulled out a sunflower crown from his messenger bag and handed it to Achillies. Immediately Achillies's eyes lit up light a thousand suns "Wow this is incredible ! It looks so charming! It's wonderful Fen thank you so much!" Fen wasen't really expecting this kind of reaction but in all seriousness Achillies was really delighted, he thought that since he was a demon, he'd get a lot of hate from angels but imidietly on his first day he had received a flower crown, in fact one of the best flower crowns he had ever seen. Of course you might think, "of course it's the best flower crown he's ever seen, he grew up and lived in Hell his whole life. There aren't any flowers there!" yes there are indeed flowers in hell but there isn't much of a variety since it's actually fairy cold down there.

The three young students all head to Achillies's and Ku's dorm when Achillies finds out that Fen's dorm in on the right of Ku's dorm. The three stop infront of the door on the left to Ku's "Well I guess this is yours" Ku said whilst pointing to a plastic bag taped onto the door. The plastic bag held two silver keys that had the engravings onto it that said "Achillies 203". Achilles took the plastic bag from the door and opened it. He took the keys and opened the door. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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