Chapter III

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                                                                                    Order Matters

                                                                                       Chapter III


Ku was in their dorm and was getting prepared for bed. They took off their toga and put on their white tunic. The tunic was lightweight, perfect for the spring and summer months of Heaven. Whilst in the winter Ku would probably wear a sweater or a knitted sleeping gown.

Ku laid in thor soft warm bed and drifted off into sleep when suddenly a memory came. This memory was distant and was of when Ku was a small child. This was the memory of when Ku met their best friend, Fen. It was when, in human years, Ku was either 5 or 4. Gabriel dropped off Ku for their first day of actual school with Father, Father is another one of Ku's caretakers. Father is god. Ku remembers wearing a white tunic and putting roses in their hair after Father and Gabriel left. Ku was just minding their own business, waiting with the teachers for the rest of the young angels until someone came up behind them and asked "Can I join you?" Ku turned around and saw a boy their same age with brown hair, strawberry freckles, and the brightest green emerald eyes. "Of course," Ku said, and the two of them spent their morning picking and putting flowers in their hair. Later Ku found out that the boy's name was Fen and he liked flowers a lot. Fen nowadays is a master at making flower crowns, he makes them so beautifully with the most wonderful color combinations and the most wonderful designs. Fen is Ku's best friend and only friend. After Ku and Fen became friends they just didn't think to need anymore because they were enough to each other and that's how they liked it.

Ku awoke the next morning to the chirping of birds, and someone playing the liar. Ku rubbed their eyes and followed the music to where it was coming from. Ku looked in shock, Fen managed to climb all the way up to Ku's balcony, and then sat on his window cill, playing a sweet melody with a liar. Now anyone in this position would be freaked out that their best friend is on your window cill and playing the liar but to Ku this was normal, Fen was weird and unique so this was expected.

"Fen?" Ku groaned, "why are you on my window cill?" Fen smiled at Ku, who at this point their hair was messy and the strings to their tunic had gotten undone and so be frank, Ku looked like a mess. "You know Ku" Fen started speaking in a calm and low sing-songy voice "Something came to me last night and I just thought that I'd wake you up to the sweet melody of my liar" Ku, unpleased, got up from their bed, took their comb from their nightstand. And started combing and parting their hair, all whilst glaring at Fen. "Honestly Fen, you do a lot of unusual things but this is just plain weird" Ku sighed "But you know how I am!" Fen smiled. Ku just rubbed their eyes, Fen was right, this actually wasn't the weirdest thing Fen had done. One time everyone awoke to all the statues in the garden covered in flowers and all wearing flower crowns, of course, it didn't take long for the principal and the teachers to find out that it was Fen who had done it, and the best part was that Fen's reason for doing this strange way of vandalism was because he was making flower crowns all night and didn't have anywhere to put them, "And so" Fen said "I just thought that the statues looked lonely so I put the flower crowns on them, and then I, well... Got carried away" Ku laughed at the memory. It was hilarious to see the principal's face of confusion and shock.

"Hey fen, Can you get out or close your eyes for a moment, I need to change" Fen nodded "okay" and then proceeded to pull the thick flower crown of roses from his head and to his eyes, acting like a blindfold. He then promptly turned around and remarked how hard it was to play a liar with his eyes closed.

Ku chortled a little and took out a white toga from their closet, they were an expert at putting on togas and they even had a signature way of wearing one. They would slip the toga over one shoulder and leave a quarter of their chest exposed, yes this was a common way of wearing a toga but Ku just simply liked it that way.

"Alright Fen, you can open your eyes now" Fen promptly pulled up his flower crown and got off the window cill into Ku's bedroom. "Let's go-to breakfast!" Fen announced cheerfully "Alrighty!" Ku smiled.

The pair both left Ku's dorm and made their way to the dining hall in the school. The dining hall had long rows of tables, each set with silverware and glass. The dining hall was crowded as well, with students, teachers, office workers, adults, and families, all looking to have breakfast. Ku and Fen sat down at one of the tables and waited. Ku and Fen both happily chatted while waiting for food to be served, and about 15 minutes later an angel came with a cart and set down plates in front of Ku and Fen. The plates had bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon, grapes, crackers, and a banana. But the two did not eat right away, like the rest of the angels in the dining hall they waited, and waited, and waited, until everyone got their food and the principal stood in front of all the tables and the room became quiet. "Now! Good morning everyone, before we eat let us all say thanks for this fine food" The principal announced.

"We are thankful Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us together as a family, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all of the gifts you've given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen." after the principal was done there was a large "amen" said throughout the dining hall. And immediately Ku and Fen started to hear the clacking of people eating and tapping the plates with their silverware. Ku started off their meal with the grapes whilst Fen started with His bagel "mmm!" said Fen "This bagel is sooo good!" Fen was very pleased with his bagel, after all, heaven was known for its good food.

Ku smiled, then something hit them. "Hey fen, did you know that we're receiving scholars from hell?" 

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