-chap 5-

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"Giyuu I promise it's fine. I'll protect you! I swear!" Sabito grinned, as I just blankly stared at him "I'll take out this demon and we'll pass this thing together! Kay?" he smiled, the morphed demon now moving faster towards all of us. I just nodded, What am I so worried for? Sabitos strong, of course he'll be ok! He flashed me a quick smile, which i returned, before running into battle.

The fight was rough, and it was taking awhile. Sabitos holding out really well, What the hell was I so worried for? I thought to myself. And at that exact moment, Sabito caught an opening, the demons neck was wide open. I saw him smile slightly as he sprinted full speed up to the demons weak point. But something isn't right, Why isn't the demon fighting back? I opened my mouth to call out to him but I was too late. Sabitos blades snapped and his head now lay between the demons fingers, I felt a choked, strangled sob arose in my throat as the demon tightened his hold around Sabitos head, And just like that-

I shot up in my bed. My throat dry and my eyes slightly watered. That stupid nightmare again, I have this same exact nightmare more often than I'd like to admit and it always hurts no matter how many times I replay the scenario. I miss Sabito a lot. I miss him so fucking much I want to scream. This isn't healthy. I groaned as I pushed myself out of bed, I just need some tea to calm me down then I'll go back to sleep.

I stood in the kitchen area of our hotel room leaned against the cold, wood counter as the water boiled. I stood staring at the floor, knowing that if I started thinking my thoughts would run wild and I'd be on the floor in sobs over Sabito again and the last thing I want is for Shinazugawa to see me like that. I sighed as I looked at the water in the pot, is it boiled yet? I decided to leave it for a few more minutes and decided to go grab a cup for myself. I walked over to the table opposite me where 2 small tea cups were placed, I guess I'll just use this. I was in the middle of picking it up when my hand shook, I guess that nightmare still has me upset despite me trying not to think about it. And the cup fell to the floor with a loud smash. Shit.

"The fuck're you doing?" I heard someone yawn from behind me "Oh Shinazugawa, Sorry did I wake you?" I asked as I knelt down to pick up the shattered pieces of teacup from the floor. "Yeah you fucking did, Whyre you up in the middle of the night bashing around in the kitchen loud enough to wake the fucking dead?" He groaned "Nothing. Sorry." I whispered resuming my previous task of cleaning up. "How'd this happen?" He asked now attempting to help me with the remaining cleaning. "My hand slipped thats all." I sighed. We both finished within a minute but I remained kneeling, my gaze staying glued to the floor, while my thoughts of Sabito raced. So much for not letting that happen. I suppose Sanemi noticed my distant behaviour because I felt him push me lightly on the shoulder "Oi are you alright?" He asked and I just turned to him and blinked for a second "Huh? Yeah of course." I whispered with a light smile, I really am ok. I think. "Hm alright then." He shrugged as I stood up and went to my pot of water again "Uh do you want tea?" I offered, I mean we were both awake now after all. "Sure." He replied.

God this awkward. Me and Sanemi both sat at the table slowly sipping our tea. Not a single word shared between us, normally I love the quiet but usually Sanemi would be having some kind of uproar by now while I just listened. It baffled me how he hadn't lost his shit over how I dropped that tea cup yet. What's up with him? We stayed this way for some time before I heard him clear his throat "Hey Giyuu about what you said earlier.." He started. Oh yeah. That. "Uh yeah, That was out of line I'm terribly sorry. You're family life is none of my business Shinazugawa and I shouldn't have spoken on it." I apologised. "No don't apologise it's not like that just shut up and listen." he snapped, to which I just nodded "It's just.. Fuck.. How can I be nicer to him without seriously hurting him?" he mumbled leaning his head down slightly. Ah, so that's what the problem is "I'm not good with stuff like this." I replied, honestly. "Yeah I figured." he sighed with a faint chuckle "But.. I don't think you'd hurt him. I think if anything you're hurting him more now by ignoring him. I'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him so, I don't know, maybe just try to talk to him?" I suggested, I seriously mean what I said. "Right.. Thanks, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." He responded with a slightly worried smile. And with that he gulped down the rest of his tea and stood up, "I'm gonna head back to bed since it's four in the fucking morning so.." He mumbled as he started to walk out of the small kitchen area as I hummed an 'mhm'

"G'night Giyuu, and thank you." He smiled before he left and disappeared back into the bedroom.

"Goodnight Shinazugawa." I smiled back, Its about time I went too. So I stood up and finished up in the kitchen before going back to my bed and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Who knew giving shit advice to the man you love could be so exhausting.

WOOO ANOTHER CHAPTER 🙏 this is ass and it's 3 in the morning so I'll proof read it and fix it tmr bc im so tired rn but i want to post smth for u guys since i feel bad leaving u all waiting for updates 😭

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