-chap 7-

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Sanemi and I sighed as we both trudged through the small village, again. I mean what else could we do? The demon doesn't come out until fairly late at night so it's not like we had the option to go after that instead.

"This is so fucking boring, We've already seen all this shit." Sanemi huffed as we walked past all the shops and stalls from last night. "Mhm" I just hummed in agreement. We continued to walk through the town, it's a lot emptier during the day, no wonder the demon loves it here. I walked forward, my eyes tuned to the people around us shopping, eating, talking. I suppose I was too invested in what other people were doing because I didn't notice the girl infront of my until our bodies collided.

I looked down at the girl who was smushed against my chest. She was young, probably only about 15 with brown hair and clear green eyes gawking up at me. "Oh. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you alright?" I asked as I lightly moved her off of me so I could quickly examine her for any form of injury. "oh no I'm fine! I wasn't really looking either. Sorry!" She chuckled nervously beginning to move past me. "Oi!" Sanemi's gruff voice snapped as he reached out and grabbed the girl by the back of her shirt.

"Sanemi what on earth are you doing?!" I snapped, Jesus I knew he was violent but I thought he'd atleast draw the line at girls younger than him. He just glanced at me and scoffed "Give him his shit back." he demanded the girl. Huh?? "I-I don't know what you're talking about sir." She stammered, her eyes wide and looking frantically for a way of escape. "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" He laughed "I saw you take his shit. Giyuu check your pockets." He shrugged. I quickly throw my hands into the pockets of my uniform. Shit. He was right, everything I had in there was gone. I glanced up at him and he gave me an amused look "I know a fucking pick pocket when I see one. Now I'm gonna ask you nicely one more time before I break your fucking neck, Give his shit back." Sanemi snapped, a malicious grin on his face. "I'm sorry! Look I'll give it all back!" She cried as she dug in her pockets, pulling out all of my belongings and handing them quickly to Sanemi. "See that wasn't so fucking hard." He huffed, letting her go "Now fucking scram." And she just nodded before sprinting out of our sight.

"How did you know that she did that?" I asked, taking my things from him. "Because I'm not an oblivious idiot. Did you not feel her rummaging around in your pockets?" He chuckled "no.. I think I was too distracted checking if she was hurt." I laughed quietly "Thank you." I smiled. "not a bother." He shrugged, waving his hand dismissively, turning his head away from me. "Well I guess we should keep going." I mumbled as I began walking again. "Yeah" He shrugged "And this time behave yourself. No more getting in fights with little kids." I teased to which he laughed, "Fuck off." He laughed, sending me a playful glare as he followed behind me down the street again

with a soft, genuine smile gracing his features.

YEAHHH ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE my updates r so inconsistent and this chapter was originally going to be scrapped bc I dont like it that much but I have no other fillers so yassss 🔥☺️

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