#29: B-SIDE

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HUGE NOTE, IN THE PICTURE ABOVE THE MIDDLE ART BELONGS TO @sweet.jester !!! I just added a little background behind it but all art props go to her and her amazing talent!!!


"When he felt her fingers, he flinched; he had not been touched with such gentleness since his childhood. He was no stranger to women and had felt their hands on all parts of his body, but her touch made him feel like he belonged some place." –Melina Marchetta (Finnikin of the Rock)


[2015-03-09] [14:09:11] [45.657976, 25.601198]

"Hey! Wow, I was really hoping you'd pick up the phone, hah. That's okay though. So, um, funny story. Last night's party was a total shit show, that's why I didn't call FYI, but today I—uh—well, like I said, this is so funny you're going to laugh. I am on my way to Romania? Which, I don't know if you know this but when you're not on a quinjet the travel time is like 10 hours. Absolutely ridiculous, right? I've been spoiled. Um, back to my earlier point... I know about where you are and I'm flying there. Well, to the nearest airport at least. Sam found a lead, someone found you and sent it to him, but I...I panicked. It's a long story I just wanted to warn you. The front counter lady is yelling at me to get on the plane and I—um, well, it's... 8 in the morning here so I'll probably be landing in Bucharest at like 6 in the evening so—okay! Jesus, lady, I'm coming!— Sorry. I really gotta go. Um, I'll either see you soon or I won't? I thought about it and it's okay if you don't wanna see me. That's on me for panicking and buying a plane ticket I just... I don't know, be safe and know that someone out there knows where you are, Buck. Okay. Bye."

The voicemail had ended, but Bucky still hadn't lowered the phone from his ear. Aj was on her way to Romania? The Avengers let her out of their sight while her psycho abuser was still out and on the loose?? He finally pulled the phone from his ear to check the time. It was 2 in the afternoon right now. She had been in the air for 6 hours already. Bucky mumbled a curse under his breath.

He should've answered the damn phone.

The thing was, Bucky knew that his location had been compromised. He had felt eyes on him a few days ago, and whoever their lead was hadn't been subtle. It was why he had spent most of today traveling. He had felt his phone vibrating earlier, but he figured it was just Aj calling about her party last night and that after he found a new spot to hide out he could call her back. Fucking hell.

Bucky hated that he hesitated. He hated that a small voice in the back of his head told him to keep running. He couldn't be found, not by anyone, and going to pick up Aj at the airport was worse than just being found. It was being seen. It was being seen by blue eyes that knew way too much about him now.

The line of thought only lasted seconds though.

Bucky was on the move. Today's travels had brought him all the way up to Brasov which was a lot further away from Bucharest than his old hiding place. It would take him 4 hours to get to Bucharest now. That just barely gave him enough time. He'd be cutting it real damn close. Bucky stormed up to a man, sitting on his motorcycle talking to a few women, and without saying a word he ripped the guy off his seat. The women screamed, but it didn't deter him. Bucky took off down the street in a hurry. Stealing a motorcycle from some poor stranger wasn't the proudest of moments for him, but he needed to be at the airport right now. Aj was coming to Romania, while people roamed the Earth looking to hurt her, and he'd be damned if a single one got their hands on her.

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