Chapter 15: Dilf

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Loki comforted you after your bath. He was very understanding.

"I'm giving you this, for when you're alone." He explained and summoned a shiny dagger.

"Really?" You smiled and plucked the blade from his hands.

"Yes, but be careful." He pleaded gently.

"I'm always careful," you smiled even wider.

"Of course you are, darling." He cooed and handed you a cloth sheath for the jagged blade.

"So what did you think of Mobius?" You asked jokingly as you tucked the dagger away in your nightstand.

"Oh him. He's okay, he seems to piss you off an awful lot." He observed.

"In my universe there are headcanons that you and him are dating." You laughed at his reaction.

"That's absurd," he scoffed.

"I think it's cute," you admitted.

"I hope you're joking," he replied.

"And what if I'm not," you probed challengly.

"Then I guess I'll have to accept it," he sighed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.

"I feel like you would be better off with someone else." You told him.

"Yeah, like who?" He asked.

"Other people maybe not a dilf looking man." You responded.

"A dilf?" He repeated.

"Friday, what is the definition of a dilf?" You asked the AI in the ceiling.

"A sexually attractive older man, typically one who has children. The acronym stands for Dad I'd Like to Fuck." She replied reluctantly. Loki's face turned a bright crimson which earned a laugh from you.

"Alright, no more internet for you." He sighed.

"You can't do that, you're not my dad." You pouted.

"Yes but I am older." He pointed out.

"Okay, old man." You chuckled.

"I'm giving you a pass because you're probably tired," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah, so tired." You said through a yawn.

"You should probably get some rest, darling." He replied, his tone switching to a more concerned one.

"Yeah maybe," you sighed.

"I'll leave you." He told you and began to get up from your bed.

"What? No, please stay." You begged.

"Are you sure? I don't mean to be too forward." He replied.

"I'm sure," you assured him.

"Alright, close your eyes." He ordered jokingly and pushed your head into the pillow.

"Fine," you pouted and shut your eyes. Soon enough you were on the verge of sleep with Loki right beside you.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving." He whispered to you.


The sun seeped through your sheer curtains as the tower started to stir. The Avengers always woke early for training or breakfast. You awoke to the sound of Peter and Pietro roughhousing in the hall. Your eyes fluttered open and you let out a soft groan at the bright light.

"What time is it?" You asked yourself and attmpted to lift yourself from your bed. You were being held down by Loki's arms wrapped around your waist. You sighed and looked down at the god who was fast asleep, clinging on to your body while his hair covered his face. Instead of waking him, you slipped your phone off of your nightstand and began to scroll through social media. Every couple of minutes you checked the time and every couple of minutes Loki would still be asleep.

Eventually a knock came to your door.

"Who is it?" You asked.

"It's Thor, may I come in?" He requested impatiently.

"Yea," you responded and placed your phone screen down on your chest.

"Is Loki with you? We haven't seen him all morning." He asked as he swung your door open.

"They're right here," you replied.

"I appreciate you respecting his pronouns. Has he come out to yet?" Thor changed the subject when he spotted Loki laying next to you.

"I already knew. I just hope he tells the team soon." You responded and ran your fingers trough his hair.

"He'll wake up soon. He barely ever sleeps," Thor assured you before leaving you alone.

"Loki," you whispered and shook him lightly.

"Five more minutes," he pleaded sleepily.

"Thor was worried about you, it's time to wake up." You told him.

"Fine," he grunted and sat up, removing his arms from your waist.

"There you are, how did you sleep?" You asked.

"I slept fine. It would have been great if you didn't wake me up." He pouted.

"Okay grumpy, let's go make breakfast." You teased and stood from your bed.


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Olivia <3

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