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"Y/n, you and Loki have mail." Steve said as he sifted through envelopes and packages.

"What would be addressed to me? I don't exist here." You said plainly.

"I'll open it if you want to be grumpy." Loki teased and plucked the envelope from the counter. You huffed and leaned onto the palm of your hand.

"It's a postcard," you observed as Loki flipped it around in his hand.

"Costa Rica," Loki read aloud.

"Dear Y/n and Loki.." You began to read the note.

Dear Y/n and Loki,
I caught my variant. Ravonna allowed me to go on vacation hence the postcard.
I'd like to congratulate the two of you on finally getting together.
I have to go now. I'm riding my jetski!

, Mobius.

"He finally got his jetski," you smiled down at the card.

"And I finally got you," he beamed down at


PwettyLouis    and I (real)Oli <3

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PwettyLouis    and I (real)
Oli <3

Chaos of Timelines | Loki x NB!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now