The Beginning, The Garden... And Toaster friend. •2•

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I don't wanna wake up...

Want to sleep more...

... But I guess I still have to...'


Waking up, His eyes slowly opened, Before pulling them wide open. Blinking.

Slowly raising himself to be sitting unto the pillow, He looked around.. Seeing two bushes... Looking behind to see a tree behind him, A radio...

Wait, A radio?

He inspected it, Hearing some chilling, relaxing music from it... It helps anyone that sleeps near it...

Yawned from his slumber, He then stood up.. Before falling right back unto the pillow, Grunting a bit, Then he looked at his legs...

They look black, But entirely black... Dark Navy-Blue? Because it sure looks like it...
His head fell unto the other pillow to see his... Paws? His claws? They're the same, except his claws are not a bit dark... just a bit more lighter.

'... Wha...' He moved them, Feeling that they ARE his paws... Did he remember being a normal human being a while ago?

No longer inspecting on his own new body, He then raised his back up, Sitting again, Then looking at the bushes again...

Are those plant gootraxians?

He squinted his eyes a bit, before noticing one Green-ish Plantix Gootraxian, Seems to be inspecting the bush, as well tidying the leaves by scrubbling them.

It then looked at him, Silence... Then smiles at him, Waving his left hand at him while Xander just kept on staring with a face of... fear?

He thought that they would just pounce at him aggressively... But now he realisation.

He's no human... He IS Gootraxian.. But slightly different.
Gootraxians have different times where the Crystals would switch into one and another stages.

Day, Low-Power and Blackout... Xander's form is part of the Blackout.

Looking up the ceiling, Noticing the light... He squinted from it, Uncomfortable from being flashed on by the lights...

'... Ugh, Lights...' He said to himself while Plantix Gootraxian flopped his ears at him, tilting its own head on its side, Confused.

Xander then looked back at the Plantix, Before waving back at it with his right paw, Then he stood up, before slowly walking out of the Garden... Leaving Plantix alone, and persumably, To do his own job of taking care of bushes.

Walked through the door, He barely instantly stumbled before getting a timing on his footing, Before slowly walking towards his left, Towards Receptionist where it has a map.

... While he looked around to see.. Well, Some spots covered in goo... White... Cyan... Blue...
Even crystals!
Kept on walking, He slowly began pacing up due knowing of how his new.. 'Contained' body works with the black Panther goo, Then suddenly, he arrived.

Desk on the Center, Yet it looked like that the Receptionist got pulled into the water due the chair leaning unto the ground near the water.
Gulping a bit, He then noticed the wall map, Walked towards it.

Inspecting it, He's indeed part of the same Level-Sector where he's supposed to be... Yet, There are other sectors.
Noticing red glowing lines around the same sector, It means that its under lockdown to prevent the escaped subjects to flee, as well transfur others... That is what he thought of.

Blinking. He kept on looking at other sectors now... Another one in lockdown... Then feeling a calm breathe of air on the back of his neck.

Turning his head around, He noticed a Gootraxian behind him, Then jumped to turn at him, Before instantly moved his legs unto the wall, unto the map.

The Gootraxian would be slightly smaller than him. Only one inch or so.. With a mechanical head that resembles of Protogen's with his ears.
His visor eyes looked blue... His gooey body being fluffy white... Then it tilted his head a bit, Making a confused beep noise.

Scared, While being one of THEM still, He gulped before smiling at him, No longer clinging unto the wall.
'.. U-Uh.. Hey... Toaster.'

The Protogen would only gasp a bit from it, Before making a rather cute annoyed noise, His visor face turned angry.

'Hehe.. Sorry. I hope you won't take that.. P-Personal.'

Silence... The Protogen opened his mouth to speak.. Wait, His mou-

"Eh.. I didn't mind anyway."


'WAIT, YOU CAN SPEAK!?' Jumped again, He clinged unto the wall again, Surprised that he can actually... Speak!

"What? Of course! I can speak! You can speak!.. Except some other Traxians can't still speak... Like one of those Mosquito types of traxians inside the Garden."
The Protogen replied, Then looking at him before making a confusing face on his visor

".. You alright, Panther?"

'.. P-Panther? Oh- Uh- Yeah... Yeah, I am.'
Not revealing his real name.. Yet. He then smiled at him before stepped back from the wall, the Protogen walked a bit away for him to have space as well.

Then the Protogen smiled, Nodding.
"Alright, That's still good then. Why were you looking at the map in the first place?"
He tilted his head.

'Oh, Well.. I wanted to know on where am I and such... Anything wrong with it?'

"Nah.. Just curious... Anyway, Wanna... Walk around with me?"

'Eh.. Sure, I guess... I have no sh- mfh... nothing to do.'

The Proto squinted a bit, Before blinking and nodding, Turned around to walk back through the Reception, Then through the hallway while that Panther is following him.

'No idea, But I guess this is a start with being a Gootraxian...'
He spoke on his mind while walking with his probably new Protogen friend on his side.

(Heya! Sorry if this took a tad long to finish! I suddenly lost some motivation to even try and finish this, But here I am now! Had some remaining motivation to do this chapt, Now unto the next!

I might plan on adding some stuff for that Protogen, So.. stay tuned!)


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