Wrapped in His Shadows Part 1

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Night engulfed Velaris into its embrace hours ago. All were sleeping, or rather, most were sleeping. One Illyrian warrior stayed awake, haunted by the past, the present, and even the future. What could the future possibly hold for him, his family, his home? Training helped. Nights like these, he found himself training, the only company being his weapons and shadows.

Sweat coated his skin, his muscles aching, protesting against his movements. Rest, that's what he needed, but he couldn't.

His shadows wrapped around him, with no news of any kind. All was right in the world, for the moment.

A shadow slithered to his ear, and whispered. Azriels movements halted. There were no thoughts, only action. He was running down the steps, into the house of wind, and towards where his shadows urged him to go.

Screams were heard behind the door. Rage and terror filled him.

Without hesitation he opened the door that should have been locked, perhaps the house unlocked it for him.

There on the bed, tossing and turning. Fighting an invisible force. Gwyn.

"No!!! Stop!!! Please stop!!!" Her cries had his ears ringing, and the pain and fear he scented from her, almost had him bringing down the entire mountain.

Rushing to her side, he debated on how he should wake her. Knowing exactly what it was she was seeing in her dreams, he didn't want to frighten her more in the world of reality.

Kneeling down on the floor beside the bed, he reached a scarred hand out to her. His shadows followed, wrapping around his hand, and slowly guiding it towards her. Finally, his fingers brushed the skin of Gwyn's hand, which clenched the sheets so tightly her knuckles were an unhealthy white. Prying her fingers from the sheets, he took her hand in his. Both hands now held that one hand of hers, her fingers now digging into his scarred flesh. He didn't care, she could skin him alive and wouldn't care, as long as she was okay.

"Gwyn." Coming out as a gentle whisper, perhaps he could ease her out of the nightmare she faced.

"No!!!" Her cry echoed off the walls, and shook him to his core. Tears fell from her eyes, and the hand he held tightened its grip. "Please...Stop!" The pleading tone, the crack in her voice. Something deep in his chest, not his very soul, felt as if it were slowly being torn to shreds.

"Gwyn, open your eyes." A blood curdling scream left her lips. "Gwyn, it's just a nightmare, wake up." Gripping her hand tighter on his own. Before removing one of his hands from her hand. He gently placed his hand on her head. "Gwyn, open your eyes, look at me."

Her chest was heaving, her heart racing, sweat coated her skin, her nightgown sticking to her. "Stop."

"Gwyn." Gently running his fingers through her beautiful auburn hair, and caressing her face. "It's okay, gwyn. You're safe." Just open your eyes, look at me, open your eyes. He pleaded into the dark. His shadows surrounded him and Gwyn, separating them from the rest of the world. Shadows brushed against gwyns skin, and she whimpered. Her breathing slowly started to slow, her rate followed.

His thumb rubbed against her hand he held, trying to sooth her. "You're safe."

Her eyes opened. Turning her head, she met his eyes.


His heart stopped for a moment, at her calling him. His shadows seemed to flare for a moment, and then continued to caress them both.

"You're safe Gwyn." Her eyes searched the room, to find that his shadows had engulfed them completely. When her eyes went back to him, she realized that he wore only his leather pants. He must have been in a hurry, she thought. It took her another minute to realize that she held his hand, and his other was on her head. His thumbs rubbing gently in a soothing manner.

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