chapter 8

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i was in my office doing work when my door swung open. i jumped back from my laptop and looked up.

" bey what do you want" i groaned.

" i miss you"

" nuh uh no you don't what that fish lip ass nigga do now huh? let me guess cheat" i said crossing my arms.

" does it matter blue misses you and i miss you come home"

" the last time i 'came home' you literally tried to kill me because you found out i was fucking with someone else" i said.

" you picked a houston gal" she said with a wink.

" no she picked me now get out please" i said.

" why i know you miss me baby just-"

" y/n i have those papers you wanted me to copy did you still want me to- oh you're in a meeting my apologies" kehlani said looking between beyoncé and i.

" no i am not and she was just leaving" i said.

" i'll text you" she said walking over to me kissing me on the cheek. she looked kehlani up and down then walked away.

" nice so i'm two for two on you're ex's not liking me" she smiled sarcastically.

" they just show up im sorry" i said apologizing.

she just laughed.

she sat in front of me and started working on their laptop.

i was working on a t-shirt design but i don't know if i liked it. it was a tye die shirt mixed with a golden yellow and reddish-orange in it.

" kehlani come here" i said scooting back.

she got up and walked over to me.

" sit" i said patting my lap.

she raised their eyebrow at me.

" sit on your lap" she said.

" yes i need an opinion on something and i don't do this often at all so hurry up before i change my mind" i said.

she chuckled and sat down on my leg. i turned so we were facing my laptop and showed them my newest design.

" it's boring right now but i want to know if you have any ideas on what to put on it" i said.

she smiled like she's been waiting on a moment like this and immediately went to the lettering.

she made it red and started connecting letters together.

" don't you usually do this on paper" she asked.

" yeah but today i during want to feel my hand cramping really bad so" i said.

she hummed in response.

she finished and i looked at it and smiled.

she added more spots to it and everything came together.

" what do you think" she asked not looking at me.

" i love it" i said.

i was going to have my design team start making it right away.

" don't lie to me now you can tell me you don't like it i won't have an attitude at home" she chuckled.

" i'm serious i love it" i said.

she relaxed a bit and i looked at them.

" you know i never let any of my assistants make something" i said to them.

" so im the first" she asked.

" the first and last hopefully" i said.

i was about to say something when my door swung open again the second time today.

kehlani and i jumped a bit and securely wrapped my arm around them for protection.

i saw it was solána and jaylon walking in. jay looked confused but solána looked hurt and didn't try to cover it up at all.

i let go of kehlani and she stood up.

" keh go ahead and get lunch i'll let you know when i need you again,you can have rico drive you" i told them.

she nodded and walked out quick as hell. i sighed.

" what was that"

" nothing she created a new shirt for me" i said sending it to my crew wanting them working on it asap.

"didn't look like nothing" solána said.

" it was" i said.

kehlani and i were sitting across from each other. i got a reminder on my phone.

chanel dinner party tonight.

" shit i forgot about that" i said.

" what" kehlani said looking at me.

" Maureen Chiquet the ceo of chanel is having a dinner party tonight and i'm suppose to go" i said.

" do you know what you're wearing" she asked.

" no.." i said.

"we can end work a little early so i can help you if you want" she suggested.

" that would be nice" i said nodding my head.

i stared at them and got lost in my thoughts.

she's gorgeous

she's gonna be the one to get you killed

she's worth whatever i have to go through in the future.

invite them to the dinner idiot

" now i know your mom taught you it's not nice to stare" kehlani said.

" would you like to come with me to the dinner" i asked.

" really" she said surprised.

" yes,... i would love to have you as my plus one so" i said.

" i don't have anything to wear" she said looking at me.

" then we can buy you something" i said.

" i don't want you to spend-"

" kehlani remember who i am spending some money won't hurt me now can i take you out to this dinner" i asked them.

"i would love to go"

" great let's get moving then because we both have to get dressed, you have a hair stylist or no" i asked.

" i got everything set you just get me looking nice in clothes"

" bet let's lock up and we can go" i said getting up putting my laptop in my bag and kehlani did the same.

i walked over to them.

" you got everything" i asked.

" yeah" she said.

we walked out of the office and went to the elevator. i hit the button and stood next to kehlani again.

she slid their hand into mine and intertwined our hands together.

i chuckled walking into the elevator as the doors opened up.

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