The Devil's Arrival

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3 days had past and Priestess Barbara had told every sister in the cathedral about Lumine's trip to the Philippines and about Aether being a replacement in Lumine's place, Aether got along well with the other sisters but as of today Aether will go through something unexpected.

"At the Cathedral"

Barbara: Aether, Could you go to the garden to water the plants?

Aether: Right away, Priestess

Barbara: Thank you! The watering can should be in the shed outside.

Aether then bowed to Priestess Barbara and headed to the back door, as Aether was in the Garden heading for the shed he heard a rustling noise coming from the bush to his left, he then caught a glimpse of a dark looking tail inside the bush.
Aether then stopped in his tracks and hesitated to choose between heading for the shed or to investigate what was inside the bush, as he was thinking, a small creature suddenly jumped towards Aether making him shocked and launch backwards hitting the ground.

Aether: Ow...

Aether muttered to himself as he hit the hard soil, he then looked for the small creature that tried to pounce on him, to his surprise was on his lap, the creature was the weird looking cat that Aether saw in the tall trees 3 days ago. Aether's eyes was filled with joy seeing the cat again, Aether then picked up the cat that was laying in his lap and played with its small paws.

Aether: hehe, your so cute!

Aether said in adoration to the small creature, He then remembered about Priestess Barbara's Request of watering the plants, He then panicked and quickly stood up from the ground to head to the shed while bringing the small creature with him thinking he can leave it in the shed for a while. When Aether reached the shed it looked a bit small and old, as Aether opened the door, the shed had barely enough space for one person, he was afraid the small kitten would run away again if he left him outside, but Aether didn't know where the put the small kitten, but as soon as he saw the watering can, he then thought of replacing it with the small kitten for a while after he finished watering the plants. Aether then grabbed the watering can and placed the small kitten in its place.

Aether: Just stay here, okay? I'll come back for you in just a second

the kitten then curled into a ball and looked like it was trying to sleep, as soon as Aether saw that the kitten was comfortable he went to head outside to the garden but before he could, he saw a small folded piece of cloth on a shelf, Aether then took the folded cloth and wrapped it around the small kitten making the kitten play with the cloth by rolling around in it instead of falling asleep, Aether giggled and left to go water the plants.

"10 minutes later"

Aether finally finished watering the plants in the garden and headed back to the shed to put the watering can back and take the kitten which he left inside the shed, as Aether was back at the shed, he opened the shed door and saw something inside it. It looked like a male the same height as Aether, he had Greenish hair and large black horns, behind him was a thin black tail, Aether took a couple steps back as he was startled on how a random stranger got inside the shed, 

Aether: Who are you...?

Aether said in confusion as the male spoke,

???: Oh, it's you

After the mysterious male said that, Aether was trying to look behind the male to try to find the small kitten, the male noticed and said,

???: it's me.

Aether looked at the male with confusion and spoke

Aether: what do you mean?

???: I'm...the cat

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