Letter 15.

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Dear (Unnamed) Friend,  

I've come to realize that I like you. I'm not talking about simply liking a person, I'm talking about /liking/ you. Do you get my drift? You may be thinking that it's weird I haven't used the word love. But love is too strong a word as of this moment. I've barely come to accept my feelings. There's a part of me that hopes this isn't true. But we talk, and text, so often you've become apart of me. It's as if I've known you like the back of my hand. You always let me borrow your sweater, and hold your hand when I'm nervous. You walk me home, and kill spiders before they eat me up. You make me laugh, and you listen to me when I'm angry or confused or sad. For that, friend, I owe you so much. Maybe I will love you, because I know I'm pretty dam(n) close to it already.



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