I'm a Rocking Awesome Kisser. Thank You Pillow

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to @i_wuvs_yews for commenting on my last chapter. Thank you!

Chapter 6

Emma's POV

It had been 2 days since Harry kissed me. He never texted me when I was hanging out with Liz that day not did he even bother to FaceTime me. Something had to be wrong. Or maybe he was busy,

Was I that bad of a kisser?

HELL NAW I'm a rocking awesome kisser. I've been told by so many.

Thank you pillow.

Suddenly my phone went off and I checked the message.

From: 4 Nippled Harry

Can I FaceTime you?

To: 4 Nippled Harry


Quickly I opened up the FaceTime app and accepted Harry's request to chat. Soon I saw his beautiful face but his normally sparkling green eyes were dull.

"Hey Haz." I smiled.

"Listen Emma, we can't be friends anymore. I don't like you, and I never did. It was all just a misunderstanding."

Quickly my smile faded. "Wha- your kidding right?" I asked, leaning closer to the screen.

"No. I don't like you." Something told me he was lying, but either way tears started coming out of my eyes.

"So you never meant to kiss me? You just call me a misunderstanding?!" I exclaimed, hiccuping on my words.

"Yeah. I can't-don't want to ever see you again." He said. He said can't. Is he being forced?

"Your such an asshole. Fuck. You." I said, hanging up the call and burying my head into my covers. I officially hate Harry Styles. But I love him. Is that possible?

Harry's POV

I made her cry. It pained me. I couldn't tell her management was making me do this. Apparently they saw the pictures of me and Emma kissing and said she wouldn't be good for my image. They wanted me to keep up the role as the flirt and didn't want me tied down to some girl. But she wasn't some girl to me. I really liked her. Funny, pretty, nice. I liked her a lot. Now I'm screwed.

"Haz you okay?" Louis asked, popping his head in my room. He knew about the whole management thing too. The whole band did. Zayn said it was bullshit and everyone else agreed.

"I made her cry Louis. Then she called me an asshole. What am I gonna do?" I said, my voice cracking a bit.

"Harry, you just can't let management push you around. She seemed like a nice girl."

"You have no idea." I muttered, burying my face in my pillow.

"Think about it Harry. Do you want to date this girl or do you want to listen to management. I'll leave you to your thoughts." He said, closing the door behind him. I definitely want to date Emma.

Emma's POV

"Em's, you okay?" Josh asked, sitting beside me on my bed.

"No." I sobbed, curling up next to him.

"Awh tell your good looking brother what's wrong." He chuckled, pulling me into his arms. When I didn't laugh he tensed.

"Something must really be wrong. You always laugh at my good looking brother remarks." He rubbed my back soothingly, rocking us back and forth. I told him everything. All that happened between Harry and I, the kiss, his unkind, unexpected words.

"Well Em, all I can say is maybe there's a reason why he said what he said. He could've been forced by their bosses or something." He soothed me, putting a pillow in substitute for him under my arms.

"Your probably right. Thanks Joshie." I smiled, burying my head in the pillow.


2 Days Later.....

I haven't left my bed in two days. No I'm not crying the whole time, I'm just depressed. What Harry said really hurt me. Josh has had to bring me my food and I've only got out of bed to go to the bathroom or shower. I'm a wreck. Like a hot mess.

OMG Hot mess! I like that song. Ashley Tisdale sings that good. It's old but whatever.

Okay now I'm going back to being depressed.

"Em's?" Liz asked, coming in my room. Apparently Josh told her about my little Harry problem and she's been covering for me at school.

"I'm worthless." I groaned, burying my head in my pillow.

"Harry's just an asshole. Everyone loves you Emma." She said, jumping on top of me.

"Awh Lizzie!" I cooed, smiling at her.

"Do you think we're going to be lesbians when we get older?" She laughed, getting off of me.

"No, I'm going to be married to my teddy bear. No one would marry me. Your going to have a husband." I smirked, digging myself further in my covers.

"Quit being so insecure. You-" She was cut off by noise coming from downstairs.

"C'mon lets go see what it is." She urged me, pulling me out of bed and dragging me on the floor. Literally I'm glad I'm wearing sweats because I'm sliding along the floor perfectly.

"Let me explain to her." Could be heard from downstairs. Liz started to pull me down the steps until she stopped, causing me to fall forward a bit.

"Lizzie!" I groaned, pushing my hair out of my eyes. Damn it was a mess.




A/N So I wanted to hurry up and update. Hope you like this chapter! Sorry Harry was being an asshole. Don't worry it gets better REALLL SOON. Like maybe next chapter soon? Enjoy xx ~Amanda xx

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